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Subject: An Observation about some posts and users on this board.

Just Another Passerby
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Date Posted: 05/13/03 10:41am

Hello all you people out there on this highway that we call life. My name is William and I was one of the many many people that were referred here by someone, which I'm assuming composes a notable amount of users on here...

I've been reading some of these topics and subjects, and some of the replies that have followed suit. And to be quite frank, it seems to me that everyone out here feels very strongly towards what he or she is speaking (or in this case typing) about.

This is a good thing.

As I've been going about on this board, a question had been re-emerging itself in my mind. These folks seem genuinely passionate about their views, regardless of what side they take. Even the anonymous and neutral replies are heartfelt and not full of hot-air like the billions of other boards... But this question kept coming along in my head...

"How many of these people really practice what they preach" in so many words. I mean, it's blatantly obvious that everyone here is very strong on their views and opinions, but do they truly carry over this passion into their own communities and with everyone in their real lives?

If not, then why not? America, in its present state, is very malleable.. There has not been a finer time in history to create change than right now. Get involved with your local government! I mean, you've got some GREAT views in here, and what better time than now?

Anyway, I'm ranting away in here. Y'all don't have to reply to this, but I will be sticking around in here to see what the next hot topic will be.

Take care and may your skies be clear..

William L. B.

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