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Wednesday, February 05, 01:06:35pmLogin ] [ Main index ] [ Post a new message ] [ Search | Check update time | Archives: 12345678[9]10 ]
Subject: Building on foundations

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Date Posted: 06/17/03 10:15am
In reply to: PAUL 's message, "Yes your right about religion/mostly." on 06/15/03 5:28pm

Well thanks for pointing out my errors Paul but I think you'll find what you actually mean is that you disagree with my opinions not that that I'm 'wrong'. I could say that you are wrong for being part of an organisation that would deny a child a vital blood transfusion on the grounds that it goes against your beliefs, but I won't because it is your decision how important human life is. You say that

>>How can corruption not seap into the system? Easy if
>God is in charge of the system.<<

Even if God is in charge of the system he has human beings as managers and the corruption and greed of human nature is something that cannot be denied.


>We all have our road to travel
>but if where on the wrong road its time to change

I agree Paul, are you on the right road ? And if so who was it that painted the street signs ?

Paul you say beliefs are 10 a penny but give no reasons why your own beliefs are priceless so I can't really put any value on your opinion until you prove its worth to me.


>PAUL-But your wrong about the bible and evolution-
>Is it possible to believe in God and not religion? Eh
>But God has always had his church on earth from the
>earliest times,problem is finding the
>right one cos contrary to popular opinion they
>aint all different paths to the same place-You gave
>the first clue to finding the right one,look for one
>that isnt about territory,money,power or respect-Only
>How can corruption not seap into the system? Easy if
>God is in charge of the system.
>I say beliefs are ten a penny and really dont mean a
>jot if they aint true-We all have our road to travel
>but if where on the wrong road its time to change
>direction Tooly.
>Oh Im one of Jehovahs witnesses by the way.
>Nice to make your acquaintance.
>>Reading some of the articles on the front page I
>>agreed with debunking of the bible, but then I've
>>never really believed it was 'the word of god' anyway.
>>Like I mentioned when I first posted I am quite
>>confused. Part of me beleives in god or 'something'
>>but I have no actual basis for these beleifs and at
>>the same time the scientific world can explain most
>>things away. Evoloution happened and the evidence is
>>pretty conclusive so logically I should have no reason
>>whatsoever to beleive in god especialy considering I
>>don't have any type of religious upbringing. Sometimes
>>when I have 'prayed' I sometimes get the feeling I'm
>>just empowering myself unwittingly. This is were my
>>head is at at the moment.I stumbled on this site after
>>basil posted 'the religious mind' on a forum I
>>frequent and it intersted me so I decided to see if
>>there was more where that came from, and there
>>was.I'll finish up by showing you the post that that
>>led baz to post 'religious mind' last week. It may
>>help to explain my feelings.
>>>Do you think that it's possible to believe in God but
>>not beleive in religion ? I have a problem with
>>organised religion myself, theres too much of the
>>human factor involved. Human nature will always
>>prevail in any given situation and as humans we always
>>strive for more, be it territory, money, power or
>>respect. People will always fight, people will always
>>argue that they are right and you are wrong (not you
>>personaly) so how can an organisation or institution
>>not expect for this corruption to creep into the
>>system. I don't think it can. That's not to say that
>>it's fair to simply dismiss the believers of the
>>religion out of hand. I think to have a set of beliefs
>>is an individuals perogative. It's easier to get
>>things done if you have a purpose or a direction and
>>if you are lost in the wilderness a road sign can be
>>extremely useful. But I personaly believe that if
>>there is 'a god' or 'spirit' that it doesnt live in
>>the clouds behind pearly gates but inside each and
>>every person. Who knows, one day they might find the
>>'god' geneome.
>>>PAUL-What was your rationale after reading the

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Well no actually Tooly.PAUL06/17/03 5:35pm

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