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Date Posted: 10:56:34 10/06/11 Thu
Author: No name
Subject: King & Queen Christian pageant

Ya'll mosey on over on for some' pageant fun

You are on the Most Wanted list to help up round up a herd of Cowgirls & Cowboys. The theme of this pageant is all Western. So grab your Western Duds and meet us for some foot stompin’ pageant fun!

We are proud to be an all NATURAL pageant. Join us for a fun and exciting day full of prizes, trophies and crowns. All contestants will take home great PRIZES, no one leaves empty handed! Every contestant receives a TROPHY or MEDAL!
For Girls & Boys ages Birth - 18 years old.
Early Bird Entry and Deadlines, Enter by Saturday, October 15,2011 with application and $100 deposit, and receive $10 off the Beauty Entry Fee. (Must be postmarked by October 11,2011 to receive discount.)
ALL fees must be received NO LATER THAN Saturday, October 15, 2011 . Photos due in office no later than Saturday, October 15 2011. NO EXTENSIONS ON DEADLINES

kqcpageant@gmail.com * freshfacesproduction.webs.com


Pageant ages Birth - 18 years old

This is a NATURAL Pageant System

You will need a BEAUTY DRESS and THEME WEAR OUTFIT for this pageant. Theme wear for this pageant is Western wear. It is the choice of the contestant as to what will be worn during the Crowning portion of the pageant. Talent wear will be needed if participating in the talent portion.


*DRESS : Anything from Party to Sunday Best dress; Long or Short; Age appropriate
*PHOTOS : Must be all NATURAL. No touch ups, no frames, follow make up rules. Please put names on photos and portfolios


Beauty Bundle $125.00 Includes:
(1), Grand Supreme King/Queen
(1), Mini Supreme King/Queen
(3), Division Supreme Princess/Priest Age Group - Beauty Princess / Priest
(No double crowning for Grand Supreme King /Queen, Mini Supreme King/Queen, Division Supreme Priest /Princess, or Age Group Beauty Priest / Princess.

7 Other categories are for fun and may double. NOTE :
Grand Supreme Bundle is Mandatory to enter the pageant.

There will be an Age Group Prize Winner in each of the following categories that will each receive a prize : Most Beautiful, Best Personality, Best Hair, Best Eyes, Best Smile, Best Dressed, and Cowgirl Theme Wear.
Categories may double prize. (They are not crowned categories.)

Theme Wear: This category is for the Cowgirl Theme wear. Wear anything that is cowgirl or represents western. This is a chance to shine on stage with a creative look at outfit choice. There will be a winner in each age group.

Elective Events:
The following events are NOT included in the Grand Supreme Beauty Bundle. You may enter any or all of these events for additional fees. Each elective is able to crown even if Beauty is won.
Overalls: (4 Total) Best Eyes, Best Personality, Most Beautiful, and Cowgirl Theme Wear. Winners receive a Title, Beautiful Crown, Trophy, and Sash. (winner has the highest score out of the entire pageant)(May double crown in elective events) Entry Fee $15 Each OR all 4 for $45
Portfolio: 10-15 pictures in an album format. ALL pictures must be natural. Winner in each age group. One overall winner for entire pageant will receive trophy and crown. *Must be received in office by Saturday,2012. Entry Fee $15
Photogenic: Color OR Black & White. Must be natural. Additional photos $5 per photo. Winners in each age group. One overall pageant winner will receie trophy and crown. *Must be received in office by Saturday,2012. NO Frames Please! Entry Fee $10 Additional Photo Entries $5 Each.
Overall Photogenic Supreme: This is the highest combined score of both the portfolio and photogenic scores. (Must be entered in Photogenic and Portfolio to enter this category). Winner receives a Title, fantastic Trophy, Sash, and Crown!! Entry Fee $15

Ultimate Photogenic Beauty Princess: The highest score of combined Beauty score and photogenic score (not portfolio). Winner will receive a Title, Gorgeous crown, sash, and Trophy. (NOTE: You must be entered into the Photogenic category in order to enter into this category) Entry Fee $20
~You may enter any or all of the Elective Events that you wish. If entering individual categories, you will pay the fees for each category. The package deal below saves you money if you are interested in entering all categories in the pageant.~

Offer great savings if you are interested in entering multiple categories. Package deal listed below.

Includes: Grand Supreme Bundle, 4 Overall’s, Portfolio, Photogenic, Overall Photogenic Supreme, and Ultimate Photogenic Beauty Princess. (NOT Talent)

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