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Date Posted: 21:32:30 11/12/03 Wed
Author: Anonymous
Subject: Tattnall County Forestry Pageant in Reidsville Ga

The Tattnall County Forestry Pageant will be held on November 22nd in Reidsville. The age divisions will be Tiny Miss ages 3 to 6, Little Miss ages 7 to 9, Junior Miss ages 10 to 12, Teen Miss ages 13 to 16, and Miss ages 17 to 23. The winners will receive beautiful crowns, trophies, banners, crowning pins, savings bonds, scholarships, and their entry fees paid to the 65th Annual Miss GA Forestry State Pageant. Leah Farrow is the Director of the Tattnall County Forestry Pageant. Leah is still accepting applications and can be reached at 912-537-1055 or email leahfarrow@hotmail.com Tiny, Little, Junior, and Teen is open to all counties. Miss contestants must reside, work, or attend school in Tattnall County. Leah is an oustanding director and takes great pride in her pageants and her queens. Leah works very hard with her queens in preparing them for the State Forestry Pageant. She has produced many state winners and many girls who were selected in the top 10 finalists. She also serves on the Advisory Board of the Georgia Forestry Pageant. If you would like to promote Georgia's Number One Industry and be treated like true royalty, give Leah a call today.

website http://missgaforestry.com

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