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Subject: Monopoly Message Board

Positron (happy)
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Date Posted: 21:52:40 03/23/10 Tue

Ok, to the point.. I wish I could wave a wand and set us up with the website you all worked on and a new message board and lots of extras.

I can't easily.. Hey, let me just let you know a few things.

Ok, I registered a message board for a central location. I picked Voy because they have been rock solid. I know of Voy boards that are still alive and ancient. I've never used it before and am having a hard time even finding a place for background... heh

It is here..

Quick notes..

I had the notion we could get together for a series of matches. Optimistically I even fathomed that we could easily clear the 7 players reaching into the wayback machine.

I know there are 7 of us diddling about acrochallenge.. I am making every effort to contact other members.

Tools I have used so far would be old e-mail list and bio pages for the most part. I am trying only to afford anyone interested in the opportunity.

I have located a few players on social networking sites and am anxiously waiting for them to check 'inbox'. I won't say who yet.

To all my much loved fellow Monopoly members.. any variation or details on the general plan / path currently under way..

It was always your team. Feel free.

1 - 2 months before the first match in a series was my idea. Plenty of time to search as many players as possible and prepare opponents as well.

Possible variations would include , playing vs the open league for one or to matches of the series.

I am hoping not only to see old friends once again. But to bring together a treat (us) for all those who have worked so dilligently to keep their teams alive and those who have kept the game running.

Other points of interest (( Read on only if your REALLY BORED )))

1. The monopoly web site , It was taken down and stored. I believe on multiple hard drives. I am of course one and have transfered it to a Tera-Byte drive. Available on request to anyone.

2. The site was archived through 2002-2005 while it rested on U.S. servers, geminyphity's handiwork can be seen here


Navigation is impossible as the roots are different.

A single page or bio can be isolated and viewed though though many of the images may be missing.


Is an open ended search and list everything.


A bio example.

- - - -

Also , the 'free internet web space we started with upon conception before we all learned there was talent in the ranks .. ( not me ) Well , it exist..

The links on the front door aren't hot.. The 'first' bios pages and web design we did is there.

Go 2 Jail - Bio page


Yes , I have the original password to administrator on free space, with a little tlc.. well.. we will see.

.. On my wish list ? Any photos of the Monopoly board room on MOOVE.com , also , contact info to the beloved creator : )

Posi , out .. talk to you soon.

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