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Subject: Tidbits

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Date Posted: 05:16:48 03/28/10 Sun

Let's see..

(1) No worries about this board, if you look at the message boards of even the teams that are still playing , some are past dead. So, I don't expect anyone to post, post, post to make it a nice string. However it is here if you want to post something. I am checking it always.

(2) Lets see PSmonarch has checked in! He wishes everyone well. You will probably see him warming up Monday.. He was wondering if anyone remembered him. Heh.. I think we do!! I have his e-mail addy and facebook if anyone wants to say hello.

(3) Talked to Abstract yesterday, mostly about old times, ran a few of my ideas by her while she is on the phone. We can cross fingers she can get online by the time we start setting.

(4) Okay.. now nothing is concrete anywhere yet, but this is what I am bouncing around. As you know I had said maybe 4 or 5 matches. So, we get together.. but more then just to see each other... so others get to see us.

Well.. I had some ideas in mind. One , there is at least one 'retro' team that hasn't played in a very very long time. I'd like to book the Asylum Loonies.. and am in the process of seeing how feasible it is. I believe it is VERY much possible and have spoken to several former team members.

Ok.. Time Slots

How do Saturdays at 8pm est look?

What I plan to do is post at least Three Monopoly matches at once and fill them, I was think 1 a week.
These will be sign-up events for us and the opposition.

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Re: TidbitsPoorBev16:12:25 03/30/10 Tue

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