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Televised With Toddlers & Tiaras!!!
We have many great things happening at KENTUCKY FRESH FACES!
We are so proud to say that we will be hosting a FIRST CLASS
production and so hope you will come out and take part in such a great
weekend filled with great pageant moments
and outstanding modeling opportunities.
That's right this years state finals
APRIL 13-15, 2012 will be in Lexington KY and it will be
NATIONALLY TELEVISED by Toddlers and Tiaras!!
If you would like to be one of the 3 featured contestants
well you can we will begin pre casting soon at our prelims
finals will be submitted to the producers so get you form
and $100.00 deposit in ASAP if you want to be featured!!
We will have 16 preliminary events thru out the state prelims begin in Feb
and end in March --so come out and join us!
Don't Forget Our Fresh Face MODEL SEARCH 2012!
We will host our Model Search on Sunday April 15 at state finals
so if you want to be a model or do t.v., commercials ect., this is the place to be
we will have agencies, casting directors, producers, scouts,
and agents from all major markets with us the sky is the limit at
Kentucky Fresh Faces absolutely a time that could change your life
We are so proud to say that we will be hosting a FIRST CLASS production and so hope you will come out and take part in such a great weekend filled with great pageant moments and outstanding modeling opportunities
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