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Date Posted: 19:14:25 04/11/13 Thu
Author: Referred by Jamie rushing
Subject: Miss Heart of the USA

This could be your year to represent your County or City as a Miss Heart of the USA California Queen........

Spend the year wearing your CountyR17;s Miss Heart of the USA Sash and Crown......

riding in parades, making appearances at fairs, festivals and other public event..... and

getting involved in your local community.....helping to R20;stomp out hungerR21; one pageant,

one county, one state at a time!

Then you will join other City and County Queens at our awesome:

2013 Miss Heart of the USA California State Pageant
R20;Wild At HeartR21;

September 6 and 7, 2013

Anaheim California


Awarding: $1000

Register TODAY to represent your county and receive the beautiful MHoftheUSA County QueenR17;s Rhinestone Tiara, monogrammed sash, and rhinestone sash pin! You will then receive access to our online QUEENS GROUP where you can chat with Miss Heart of the USA Queens from all over the USA!

There is SO MUCH to do as a Miss Heart of the USA Queen! Don't let this opportunity pass you by!

In Celebration of the first every California State Miss Heart of the USA Pageant.......you can register for your CountyR17;s title for the low, low rate of only $99...... THIS IS A $200 SAVINGS! This offer is limited to the first 10 queens to register........

When these spots are GONE... they are GONE!


Baby Miss (Ages 0-23 months)
Tiny Miss (Ages 2-4 years)
Little Miss (Ages 5-7)
Petite Miss (Ages 8-10)
Junior Miss (Ages 11-13)
Teen Miss (Ages 14-16)
Miss (Ages 17-23)
Ms (ages 24 and up)

To register or for more information:


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