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Date Posted: 06:44:40 05/27/10 Thu
Author: Anonymous
Subject: Re: Well, I am going to say it...IFF was a joke! Winners were so far off
In reply to: 's message, "Well, I am going to say it...IFF was a joke! Winners were so far off" on 14:21:46 05/08/10 Sat

>not even funny. Michael Booth just gave it to newbies
>to try and lure them to National!

My daughter was a newbie and didn't get it, but the bad thing about IFF is that in the paperwork and on the website it states that the girls will receive $200 at states and $200 at Nationals...I have yet to receive my daughters $200 from states?? why?? because MICHAEL BOOTH says it states only when you enter internationals...well even on the DVD from states it clearly states out of his own mouth that they receive $200 today and then the rest at nationals...i don't want the other $200 because I am not going to subject my daughte to this horrible event...granted yes the pageant itself was beautiful and all the girls did a great job...my problem was my daughter deserves her money as any of the other girls deserve it....regarless if we come to nationals or not...we don't scam people out of money to make a living....and I will not stop until i get my daughters money...and I don't want NO savings bond either...I want the full $200 in my hand for my daughter...I MEAN IT!! and I bet I can find other parents that have been wronged by this system and team up together and get our daughters money!!! ITS WRONG!! Then the other problem I have is that I was told IFF looks for the more natural beauties when it comes to glitz part of the pageants that they want someone naturally looking...well if thats the case and I am NOT disrespecting anyones child by no means.....then why didn't my daughter win a higher title?? she won the age division glitz title because all the other girls in her age divison that was more glitzed up then my daughter won those titles....Its just not right!!! SO I AM NOT ATTENDING ANYMORE OF THESE!!!

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  • Re: Well, I am going to say it...IFF was a joke! Winners were so far off -- Anonymous, 06:46:20 05/27/10 Thu
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