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Subject: Re: My diapered smoking history

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Date Posted: 21:13:47 01/02/25 Thu
In reply to: Null 's message, "Re: My diapered smoking history" on 14:14:24 12/23/24 Mon

Sorry for the late reply. So I really don't know for sure when I started smoking on my own. But my mom and her boyfriend always kept me diapered cuz I was born premature and never had control. I smoked Marlboro lights til I was a teenager then I switched to red 100s on my 13th birthday. I couldn't leave my bedroom in the morning til I smoked at least 1. Then my diaper would get changed. I remember always going to the living room to watch cartoons and smoke cigarettes in only my diaper. I loved hearing cigarettes sizzle out in my diaper whenever I was done smoking. I think I used to wear Luvs or some generic brand. I just remembered always being told that I needed to always be diapered and being told that I couldn't use the toilet and that I had to smoke. I had to smoke a whole pack in a day and if the pack wasn't all gone by bedtime then I had smoke the rest before I went to bed. I only got changed like twice a day even if I had a diaper rash. I was molested a lot too cuz my mom would tell me it's how people express their love to me. Anyway I remember my diaper was always leaking cuz of not being changed very often, maybe like 2 or 3 diapers a day and not being allowed out of the house on my own unless my mom or her boyfriend drove somewhere. That's the only time I would wear clothes and get a fresh diaper. My mom had this old brown station wagon car that had no seat belts and always smoked with the windows up.

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Re: My diapered smoking history DiaperedSmokerBoy03:09:39 01/03/25 Fri

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