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Subject: My diapered smoking background

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Date Posted: 01:40:05 01/05/25 Sun

Diaperedsmokingboy shared his interest so I decided that I would share mine. Some of you know that i was born 6 weeks premature. My parents split up and my mom and her boyfriend raised me. They were heavy smokers and he was a pedophile and alcoholic. I was never potty trained and was told to not even try to use the toilet because my muscles were so weak and would never get the strength to ever be potty trained. So I never tried and just always was told to use my diaper. Mom also said that smoking helped me be happy and calm. So I had to smoke. Anyway, Jim, my mom's boyfriend came in my bedroom in the middle of the night and started jerking me off and eventually I started to wake up to me starting to cum, just like having a wet dream only better. Yes I was molested almost every night as a kid but I actually loved it and miss that. But that's why I love diapers and smoking.

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Re: My diapered smoking background DiaperedSmokerBoy00:49:02 01/06/25 Mon

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