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Subject: Bagley, Brianna (Capital City) (2016-Top 11,Miss America State Academic Scholarship) Baucus, Shannon (Kankakee) (2016) Dearwester, Stephanie Ann (Quincy)(New) Foster, Abby (East Central) (New) Gehrs, Peyton (Southern Illinois) (New) Harner, Janna (Heartland) (2016-2nd R/U)(2015-4th R/U; Prelim Talent Award) Hughes, Elizabeth (Blackhawk Valley) (New) Hurtig, Sheridan (Land of Lincoln) (New) Hutcheson, Antonia (Metropolis) (New) Jog, Isha (Northern Suburbs) (2016-NFT Award)(IL DWY-2013) May, Mariah (Windy City) (New) Miller, McKena (Volunteer) (New) Mugavero, Amelia (Central IL) (2016-1st R/U)(2015-Top 11) Murray, Kayla (Dixie Highway) (CO-2015-Top 15)(2014-Top 10)(2013-Top 10) Reinhardt, Alyssa (John A. Logan College) (New) Robbins, Summer (Springfield) (ILOT - 2011,Preliminary Evening Wear/OSQ) Strother, Alexandria (Chicago) (MI - 2016-1st R/U)(2015-NFT Award) | |
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Date Posted: 23:53:57 08/02/23 Wed [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
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