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Date Posted: Tue, Jun 11 2024, 8:13:21
Author: Policy Statement
Subject: Voy Board


As you may have noticed, VoyForums asks a bit of information about you when you sign up for a forum or create a member account. This information, which you provide, includes basic identifying information such as your name, gender, birthdate, country, zipcode, occupation, challenge questions, etc. We have, as of yet, used this information primarily for account verification (for example, recovery of lost passwords) or so we can know a bit about the members of VoyForums when dealing with them; however, we reserve the right to use it for advertisement placement in the future. For member accounts, this information may be chosen, by the user, to be displayed in a "public profile". Visitors' web-browsers also report standard information which may be retained in logs or other records such as posts and account information. This information includes but is not limited to: IP addresses, referrer URLs, and sometimes proxy forward information. Information provided by you can be edited in the forum admin area, or member login area. In the case that this information is not editable online, such as when a user posts anonymously, the present options available to modify or remove that information primarily include contacting the admin, for instance, to remove your message or make it publically unavailable ("unapprove" it), or to contact VoyForums directly. As times have changed, we are re-evaluating the availability of information like IP addresses being available to admins for controlling access to their forums. This is not an easy task, as managing forums for admins is difficult enough as it is, so it is important to understand that some forums still enable public IP address display, and that admins can see authors' IP addresses. Other information, at this time, that our systems receive from your computer at the time of access (browser, referer URL if any, etc.) are not deliberately made public by our systems nor available to admins, but other information from users should be understood as intended for public display, and you provide explicit consent for this display. Furthermore we do not have control over information we are required to release via court order once released.

Voyager Info-Systems, 311. N. Robertson Blvd. #778, Beverly Hills, CA, 90211 or .

VoyForums policy is to keep information belonging to a forum admin or users private; for instance, information like the e-mail address, zip code, etc. are not made available to the public, although the admin may choose to display information, such as IPs, or the member may choose which information is publicly available.

We ask minimal information, and release this only in cases such as required by law, system/network security, or as intended by the user implicitly for public display. It is our general policy to provide notice of subpoenas, court orders, or other requests or demands for information provided by you or your computers. This notice may be private, or public if means of private notice fail or are unavailable, or the matter requires public attention as determined by Voyager's sole discretion and in good faith.

We do not sell lists of e-mail addresses -- these are collected for purposes like account activity (lost passwords, verification, etc.) and for periodic e-mails related to VoyForums.

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