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Date Posted: 12:03:08 08/24/10 Tue
Author: Thankyou for your recent help
Subject: If it doesn't happpen you'll know Im a bum and a tosser who lives in a park!

Dow has fallen below 10.000 then recovered. Tuesday August 24th.
It crossed over 10.000 July 7th 2010 (July 8th Oz)
Essie first day of arbitrage.
Qantas stock severely hammered to downside.
Tuesday 24/8/2010 1.12pm==physical stock 252 low futures 253.5.
Cebot expiry Chicago Saturday 21/8/2010.
Dow fell below 10.000 Aug 24th (25/8==Oz.)
futures set to zero at 4.30am.
Trading up off lows as settlement is effected this week.
Valuations for Qantas with investor cap on as opposed to trading,
with a 12 month view.
Macquarie Equities buy at ##2.33 date of report 27/6===##
went down to a low of 212=July 6th (All Ords low 4250.60 July 5th)
Another recent report with 12 month view 3.55 Citi brokers.
Qantas profits are still basically stuffed from the GFC of 2008.
But show improvement (underlying earnings have tripled.
Last profit report Thursday August 12th 2010. Traded low 243.
NTA has risen from 2.25 to 2.35.
Theres always a lot of volatility around this period,
its a second major low for Qan.
The last major low==50 days.
July 6th to Aug 24th.
After things settle down a little should gradually rise.
No guarantee's with this sort of thing, thats the theory anyway.
If it doesn't happpen you'll know Im a bum and a tosser who lives in a park!
Thankyou for your recent help.

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