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Date Posted: 01:53:21 11/09/10 Tue
Author: Karis Lee
Subject: How to Write a Winning Dissertation

 Writing a Disertation Requires Mastery of Research Methods

for valid and reliable data collection, availability of all the resources and perfection of dissertation format, structure and citation styles. This article offers some guiltiness about how to write a winning dissertation. 

Dissertation Writing
  certainly is very challenging and time consuming task. Writing a dissertation requires to set before clear aims and objectives, define the research approach and methods and achieve the objectives with valid and reliable results.

Dissertation Writing is the most vital and exigent task for students. It is in fact a real test of their academic learning, mastery of the language, and command of expression. For students, dissertation writing has become an adamant task because of countless reasons. The most obvious reason why students fail in writing a good dissertation is that they don’t give due attention to its format, structure and the citation style.

The proper format of masters dissertation is very important and it should be consistent throughout to offer a professional look. Mostly, universities prefer times new roman 12 font size with 1.5” margin on both sides to allow binding.

The proper structure of any acceptable dissertation is:

1.    Dissertation title

2.    Dissertation acknowledgment

3.    Dissertation abstract

4.    Table of contents

5.    Dissertation Introduction

6.    Dissertation Literature review

7.    Dissertation methodology

8.    Dissertation results

9.    Dissertation conclusion

Some universities prefer to break the dissertation even to six or seven chapters. For this purpose, the results are presented in fourth chapter while a critical analysis of these results is presented in fifth chapter. Then conclusion is offered in chapter six and in the seventh chapter dissertation recommendation and limitations are offered.

Finally, the citation style is also very important and if students fail to follow the given citation style by the university they are sure to fail and lose their valuable degree. Citation is must for any academic writing and every reference to any research of the author must be quoted using the required citation style. For example, in UK universities Harvard citation style and APA citation style are mostly used. In order to be familiar with these citation styles, there is a lot of material on internet and APA citation examples as well as Harvard citation examples can be found easily.

Besides the dissertation format, structure and the citation style, choosing the proper research methodology is very critical for data collection process. There are two kinds of data collected for academic research: primary and the secondary. The secondary data comes from the already written sources like books, articles, journals and information available from web. On the other hand, the primary data is collected personally through interviews, case study, and surveys.

Dissertation Master  is the best place to get help for writing a perfect dissertation as we have hired masters of dissertation writing who are well aware of the dissertation format, dissertation structure and the dissertation data collection. Besides, our prices are very affordable, competitive and we offer attractive discounts. For more detail, visit DissertationMaster.com 

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