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Date Posted: 08:45:07 08/02/09 Sun
Author: David (limitless)
Author Host/IP: NoHost /
Subject: Dude you rock!


I have really enjoyed your site. My wife showed me it. I think that your designs are really creative and I appreciate that. Preconceived notions about how a boy/man or girl/woman dresses are indeed culturally determined. I like how you have demonstrated different styles of dress with your references to historical examples of fashion norms. If everyone followed what the masses do and think, this would be a boring world. It takes courage to create and express oneself artistically, despite the audience's perceptions. They may not realize what is happening- for example, Stravinsky's Rite of Spring and It's a Wonderful Life were failures at premiere. Only later did these works receive acclaim and establish themselves as classics and milestones. So in summary I think that your presence and expressions support the important process of breaking down societal and psychological preconceptions regarding how gender and clothing/appearance should be paired in certain ways. Thank you!


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