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Date Posted: 23:07:11 10/11/11 Tue
Author: Joe H.
Subject: Re: Ingrid Pitt (1937-2010) - obit
In reply to: Joe H. 's message, "Re: Ingrid Pitt (1937-2010)" on 21:57:03 10/11/11 Tue

The Margalit Fox obituary for Ingrid

over at: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/11/25/arts/25pitt.html

is very interesting:

"Ms. Pitt was born in Poland on Nov. 21, 1937. Her precise given name has been lost to time; British news articles have often rendered it as Ingoushka Petrov. Her father was German, her mother a Polish Jew, and in 1942 the Nazis picked the family up. Separated from her father and older sister, she was sent with her mother to the Stutthof concentration camp.

They were held there for three years. In interviews Ms. Pitt spoke of having seen her mother’s best friend hanged and her own best friend, a little girl, raped and beaten to death by guards. She recalled lying in the straw, dreaming of being someone else.

After the war she and her mother trudged from one refugee camp to the next, searching for her father and sister. They eventually found them, but by then her father was a broken man. He lived only five years more. "

Wow! To see the movie being made about this in 2011. ____

"If only" a real-life Aaron Zgierski (played by Saul Rubinek) and Nicholas Prentice (played by Alex Diakun)
could have traveled back to help them, re: "The Outer Limits: The Tribunal" (1999) http://lombardresearch.temple.edu/p4/view2.asp?ID=1055 * see also: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0667995/


P.S. On a search for the words: "Time Travel Nazi concentration camp at GOOGLE I re-found the above, and this old 1963 movie I had never heard of before. _____ http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0057701/ "The Yesterday Machine".

* cc: Amanda Scheiner with thanks at amandags at temple dot edu (for to correct the 1995 to 1999?)

** The 44-minute full video that was (past tense) over at: http://www.imdb.com/video/fancast/vi2500789785/ "This video has been taken down by the IMDb staff."

Therefore to see: the authorized 44:26 minute video at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_XoJBMEc3as with 6,685 visits so far. Thanks to MGM (of which stock I owned in the 1980s and tripled my money, better than "Silver Screen Partners" that I also had invested in, getting my money back from HBO, but actually losing to inflation.)

Also: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8cCwMLdyh4 of 3:14 minutes, see 4,861 times. The "Grandfather": "Interesting, very interesting. I don't know why I bother." The son: "Dad, There's someone I want you to meet." Dad: Thank God in heaven. For a minute I thought. You see what old age does to you." It's not possible. It's not." Little girl: "Grandfather?" Narrator: "The wounds of war run deep, cutting across generations, but there is always the hope of healing, so long as there are souls among us whose hearts are filled with love more than that of hate."

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[> [> [> Re: Ingrid Pitt (1937-2010) - obit -- Tim, 21:09:41 10/12/11 Wed [1]

Excellent posts and information, Joe. Great to have you here at the Hammer Horror forum!

Speaking of MGM, the MGM Midnite Movies DVD series released Countess Dracula/The Vampire Lovers as a double feature back in 2003.



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[> [> [> [> Re: Ingrid Pitt (1937-2010) - obit -- Rick, 03:24:07 10/13/11 Thu [1]

I have the MGM issue. It has an outstanding image and is somewhat more accurate with the colors than one of the UK releases.


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