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Date Posted: Thu, Mar 17 2011, 23:50:14
Author: twobits
Subject: Mudros...Caribou trail

Absolutely Mudros. The lack of knowledge among even my generation (50-60 yrs old) is worth a few head shakes...and I resemble the remark. Shortly after arriveing in Turkey five years ago I took my family to Gelibolu and was overcome with emotion while staring at the headstones of our fellow Newfoundlanders. I was more than a little ashamed of how little I knew about the events.

The internet is a beautiful thing and there is an abundance of info related to the subject...in particular the Anzac involvement...the placement of a memorial to pay tribute to the involvement of our fellow Newfoundlanders is overdue...

Your 'Mudros' handle verifies you as having above average familiarity of the events. As mentioned elsewhere, this is a work in progress. Your visit is appreciated and please drop by when you can.

There are whispers of a move a foot to to see something done for 2015 however nothing concrete that I am aware of and it must not slip by as far as I am concerned.

It's time to start waving the red flag I think 'cause it will be on us before we know it.

With time i will make the posting of links a bit more user friendly. For now, please enjoy these photos of my family vists to the Azmac and Hill 10 cemetaries.

Right now you may have to cut and paste the links to your web browser.

If any like minded individuals have pictures or plan on visiting Turkey and want advice or assistance to get to the peninsula...please let me know.


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