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Date Posted: 17:41:16 04/10/11 Sun
Author: Tania
Subject: Evaluation do nosso webquest

Here is the evaluation of our webquest.
In case you think it is necessary to add or drop anything you are free to do.

I sent it to your personal address too because it is easier to visualize how it is going to be in our webquest.

This is how your work will be evaluated.
(4 marks) (3 marks) (2 marks) (1 mark) (Score)

(4 marks)The group work contains many creative details and/or descriptions that contribute to the reader's Knowledge acquisition. The group has really used its creativity to point the ideas out.
(3 marks)The group work contains a few creative details and/or descriptions that contribute to the reader's Knowledge acquisition. The group has used its creativity to point the ideas out.
(2 marks)The group work contains a few creative details and/or descriptions, but they distract from the story. The group has tried to use its creativity to point the ideas out.
(1 mark)There is little evidence of creativity in the work presentation. The group does not seem to have used much creativity.

(4 marks)Many vivid, descriptive words are used to tell when and where the story took place.
(3 marks)Some vivid, descriptive words are used to tell the readers when and where the story took place.
(2 marks)The reader can know when and where the story took place, but the group didn't supply many details.
(1 mark)The reader has trouble knowing when and where the story took place.

Writing process:
(4 marks)The group devoted a lot of time and effort to the writing process by prewriting, drafting, reviewing, and editing. The members worked hard to make the story easy to understand and to help the readers have enjoyment and knowledge acquisition.
(3 marks)The group devoted enough time and effort to the writing process by prewriting, drafting, reviewing, and editing. The members worked to point the facts out in a way readers can understand and to have their job done.
(2 marks)The group devoted some time and effort to the writing process. The members worked to point the facts out in a way readers can understand and to have their job done.The group did not care much on calling readers’ attention
(1 mark)The group devoted a little time and effort to the writing process. The members worked only to have their job done. The group did not care much on calling readers’ attention. They showed lack of interest.

Grammar,spelling and punctuation:
(4 marks)There are no spelling, grammar or punctuation errors in the final draft. All requirements were showed consistently throughout the work.
(3 marks)There are no spelling, grammar or punctuation errors in the final draft.
(2 marks)There are 2-3 spelling and punctuation and spelling errors in the final raft. There are a few errors in grammar, too.
(1 mark)The final draft has more than 3 spelling and punctuation errors. Many grammar mistakes interfere in readers’ understanding and in the quality of the work.

Focus on assigned topic:
(4 marks)The entire writing is related to the assigned topic and allows the readers to understand much more about the history of English.
(3 marks)Most of the writing is related to the assigned topic. It wanders off at one point, but the reader can still learn something about the history of English.
(2 marks)Some of the writing is related to the assigned topic, but the readers do not learn much about the history of English.
(1 mark)No attempt has been made to relate the writing to the assigned topic.

Brochure preparation:
(4 marks)Brochure contains all the information about the history of English. The group pointed out when it started, how it started and its evolution. The facts are clear and the readers can easily understand.
(3 marks)Brochure contains most but not all of the information about the history of English. The group pointed out when it started, how it started and its evolution. The facts are not very clear and the readers can have some difficulties to understand.
(2 marks)Brochure contains a lot of the information about the history of English missing. The group pointed some facts of its evolution. But they are not very clear and the readers will probably have some difficulties to understand.
(1 mark)Brochure is lacking most of the important information about the history of English. The group did not point out some facts that are relevant and did not say much about its evolution. The facts are not clear and the readers will have some difficulties to understand.

Kisses, Tânia

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