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Date Posted: 06:03:33 04/03/11 Sun
Author: Tati Miranda
Subject: Re: TASK 10 - Your own WebQuest
In reply to: Reinildes 's message, "TASK 10 - Your own WebQuest" on 05:18:25 04/03/11 Sun


I really liked some suggestions Reinildes gave us: "Group work: getting more from leaning collaboratively" and also "Family, friends and relationships".

What do you think?

I sent you an e-mail asking how is it going the discussion or ig you decided what to do, but nobody answered me.

I´m waiting for you.

>Dear Ludmila, Tania, Tatiana and Viviane,
>I invite you to start discussing the task about the
>creating of your own webquests. Start discussing the
>theme. What will it be about?
>Social themes like "care with the environment";
>"(un)employment and requirements for a good job";
>"charity, donations and envolviment with the needed";
>"Africa and its people's lack of opportunities for
>jobs, food, education", "Domestic violence"
>Themes for the development of skills for learning:
>"Study habits: how to manage time to learn more";
>"Learning how to learn: awareness how learning occurs
>and learning strategies"; "Group work: getting more
>from leaning collaboratively"
>Themes for the development of life's good habits:
>"Eating well"; "Getting fit"; "Family, friends and
>Discuss your theme. Choose it. Start working. TASK 10
>is due on APRIL 13th.
>Warm regards, Reinildes.

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