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Date Posted: 18:28:34 04/04/11 Mon
Author: Tania
Subject: Building a webquest

Hi friends
I found a site with very useful information. So I want to share with you.

There are five basic components of an average WebQuest


>set the stage for the activity.
>catch the reader's attention to draw them into the quest
>provide background information.

>state what the students will be required to do
>avoid surprises down the road
>detail what products will be expected and the tools that are to be used to produce them.


>give a step-by-step description, concise and clearly laid out
>provide links to Internet sites interwoven within the steps.


>display a rubric to measure the product as objectively as possible
>leave little room for question


>summarize the experience
>allow reflection about the process.
>add higher level questions that may be researched at another time.
>Give food for thought as to where they can go with the info they have learned, using it in a different situation.

PS: For further information visit the following site.



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