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Date Posted: 12:48:08 04/05/11 Tue
Author: Ludmila
Subject: Starting to write

Group, I've just started writing something, check if we are on the right track, Please.

The History of the English Language
The English language that we study nowadays, listen in the movies and songs, and use to communicate, did not always sound like this. Actually, reality was quite the opposite. The English language sounded not like the way we are used to at all, and the reason for that it is related to the nature of languages and explained by History too.

First of all, languages are always passing through a transition and incorporating elements from its own time and era. Languages are in constant movement and are mutable and adaptable. Just like any other science or study, languages are always improving and embracing new discoveries created by their speakers. Words are like a disease transmitted by a virus, once that most speakers are caught by that new word, then it can become part of their dictionaries and acceptable by the academic world. So what was not allowed and permitted before that time, can be easily changed and transformed. What was seeing as a grammar mistake can then be no longer considered after these changes are official.

Second, to understand better the importance of any matter in study, it is always extremely relevant to search in the History of that element, so that is what we are going to do here. We have to look back, in a very distant time in the past and learn how the first English speakers used their language, how it sounded and how it became what it is in the present time. After building this bridge between two eras- the past and the present time- we can then be more familiar with the importance of this worldwide spoken language and its importance.

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