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Date Posted: 07:52:51 03/14/11 Mon
Author: Luciana Maia e Mauricio Horto (have a look, please)
Subject: Final task5

Teaching pronunciation: Teacher’s guidelines

There are 3 steps that could be divided into 3 lessons of 50 minutes. However, during the regular course, teachers might want to leave aside 5 minutes to review the sounds.

Explain that learning the symbols are easy but as everything else, it demands lots of practice. Learning the symbols will help them speaking and listening better. If you don't pronounce the words well, you will probably have difficulties with listening as well.

Step 1: Explain what the phonetic symbols are: They are written characters used in phonetic transcription which represent a particular speech sound wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn

Start introducing the vowel sounds: they are the most important for students to improve pronunciation. Show the chart, leaving the / ɜː / and / ə / out for a while; show the movement of mouth opening and closing from the sound of /i:/ up to the sound of /ɑː / then round your lips to produce / ɒ / until you get to the /u:/

Practice the words with the audio.

Show the differences between long and short sounds.

Step 2: diphthong sounds
Same procedure. Show the symbols, repeating one by one, then listen and practice the words.

Step 3: Show the consonant sounds following the same procedure.

Extra practice: Song lyrics. (next page). Students try to find out the words without listening, then listen and check. Ask them how many they got correct.

Show students or practice with them if they have access to a computer

On you tube there are many videos to practice pronunciation, teachers may want to show some of them.

Most important : Do not make it hard, bring a mirror for students who are having problems, have fun with students!!!!!

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