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Date Posted: 10:33:30 03/14/11 Mon
Author: Mauricio Horto
Subject: task 5

that´s me again. Now I´m postin the task 5 so it can be put together yours and sent to the professor. Luciano, you will send them, won´t you?

As suggested, I chose three listening activities intended to be taught my students. The activities are:

A Student Credit Card from http://www.esl-lab.com/credit/creditcardrd1.htm; ESL Podcast 170 –

Questions and Answers at a Presentation from http://www.eslpod.com/website/show_podcast.php?issue_id=2137947#

and Words and Their Stories: Monkey Expressions from http://a4esl.org/podcasts/

In my view all of them serve the purpose of teaching listening strategies. However they need to be well prepared so that the students can get the most of them.

Being podcasts, they lack the face-to-face interaction so helpful to the effective communication. In fact, body language has a great value for the whole communicative process. Thus, this is a negative point about this kind of activity, since the students cannot rely on facial expressions, body movement etc.

Another point worth noticing is the students´ background. They must have a rich knowledge of vocabulary and be familiar with the spoken language. The activity proposed cannot be too difficult. Only a few words and expression should be unknown to the students, otherwise they will not figure out the whole idea presented.

About the podcasts chosen, I would say that “Words and Their Stories: Monkey Expressions” and “A Student Credit Card” are more focused on top-down strategies. Being short ones they can keep the students´ attention what is a good point for getting the main idea. Another point is the predicting; both subjects presented in those podcasts are part of our daily lives, one is about credit cards and the other is about expressions that we would like to get to know their origin. As a result, drawing inferences from them will be easier.

On the other hand the podcast “Questions and Answers at a Presentation” is stronger on bottom-up strategies. It is very descriptive; the vocabulary and expressions are presented with a lot of paraphrases, cognates and even spelling; this makes the listener rely on the understanding of orthography, combination of sounds, word-order patterns. This activity also focuses on behavioral approach.

On the whole, I would say that all activities presented are good enough to be worked with. However “Questions and Answers at a Presentation” needs a more selected public since it is quite formal and with specific purposes. In addition it is too long. For this reason I would not pick it up to work with my students. It would not keep their attention since they are teenagers. The short ones would be more appropriated.

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