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Date Posted: 05:32:25 03/19/11 Sat
Author: Luciana Maia (Hi everybody)
Subject: the first part


1.What is Revolution Web 2.0 ( pronounced web two point Oh) ?

It’s a change in the way people in general , ( and groups such as business people, students and teachers) are using the Internet nowadays.

The Web is becoming a “programming platform that allows casual computers users to create software applications of their own”

2. When did the concept of Web 2.0 begin?

It began with Tim O´Reilly and Medialive International in 2004
“The phrase Web 2.0 came to refer to a perceived second generation of web-based communities and osted services aimed to facilitate collaboration and sharing between users….”

3. What are the main features?

.Many of its service are based on the OpenSource format (Which enable anyone can use, make changes or remix a programmme)

.Users no longer need to be concerned about expensive licensing agreements

.Web users with no programming skills can use their online creations.

.Web is viewed as a “microcontent”, which “the content blocks can be saved, summarized, addressed, copied, quoted and built into new projects.” (Alexander33)

4. The best definition of Web 2.0 is given by Tim O´Reilly:

“Web 2.o is the network as platform, spanning all connected devices:Web 2.0 applications are those that make the most of the intrinsic advantages of that platform: delivering software as a continually updated service that gets better the more people use it, consuming and remixing data from multiple sources, including individual users, while providing their own data and services in a form that allows remixing by others, creating network effects through an “architecture of participation” and going beyond the page metaphor of Web 1.0 to deliver rich user experiences”

6. Services involved in Web 2.0:
It all revolves around Data

A. Technology Stream: Underlying infrastructure. Includes service-oriented architectures (SOA) such as feeds, RSS, Web Services, and Mashups.
B. Application Stream includes Rich Internet Applications (RIA), which are desktop-like services and applications that are used on the Internet. Applications will be more and more delivered as a service through the web.
C. The socialization stream: User participation and contribution on the web. The social web includes tagging, Wikis, podcasting, vodcasting and blogging.

The new trend is affecting all users:
. Easier navigate easier
. More precision for your search queries
. Seamless navigation, without interruptions of your activity
.Customization according to your preferences and needs.
.Easier communication with colleagues, professional organizations, friends, etc…
.Co-authoring contents and putting your knowledge to use.

.Reading on the internet requires two skills:

1. Quick analysis to find what is worth reading (key words, subheading, etc..)
2. Slow analysis which is a deeper analysis into the importance of information that has been retrieved

. (1956): Bloom’s taxonomy divided thinking skills into lower-order and higher-order knowledge.
.(1990´s): Lorin Anderson : Bloom´s concept was updated reflecting relevance to 21st century

“The use of Web 2.0 applications can be excellent instructional tools to assist learners in moving up the ladder toward higher-order thinking skills from remembering,, to understanding, to applying, to analyzing, to evaluating, to finally creating, the ultimate strength and purpose of the newer applications.”(pg 7, Exploring web 2.0)
FIG VEM AQUI( Mauricio vai enviar)


Interactivity is the main feature of most new online tools allowing users to use participation and creativity


Web 2.0 services are organized in reverse chronological order, orientating users to the present moment and at the same time allowing for further searches


.Students and parents have the challenge of balancing safety of the child with the benefits offered online.

.Safety has to do with responsibility, appropriateness and common sense.

.Teachers role is to instruct and teach what is acceptable and what is not.
At the same time schools need to evaluate sites in order to make decisions about their appropriateness or not, define who is the audience and set the correct parameters to avoid unexpected privacy and issues.

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