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Date Posted: 09:00:42 04/03/11 Sun
Author: Luciana Maia
Subject: introduction

Hi guys, see what you think about this introduction and send me a feedback,bye for now

Have you ever considered studying abroad?
If you are a teenager or a Young adult today, this idea has certainly crossed you mind. Studying abroad is a life-changing experience which one can never forget. There are certainly a number of reasons why a student may travel abroad:

The most important is that being abroad is the most effective way of learning a language and consequently facing the new demands of the market which students will have to deal in a near future.

If students are immersed in a different culture they are dealing not only with a difference in habits, language, food, but they are also learning how to adapt to new situations and finding new ways of doing things.

Students certainly are going to face with scary situations, missing home and family, but these challenges will enable them to acquire new skills. The ability to cope to cope with pressure and stressful situations in a effective way will be an enriching experience for them.

Students will have the chance of making friends around the world, and that will expand their social abilities, which are essential for their life. Being able of dealing with cultural and social differences, will make students grow as a more prepared citizenship, which is essential for our globalized world.

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