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Date Posted: 05:22:55 05/27/13 Mon
Author: Bob P
Subject: Re: Test Reports
In reply to: tony french 's message, "Test Reports" on 05:19:50 05/15/13 Wed

Hi Tony,
Where did you see this speculation and contradictory figures?

When I was following D-Motor development a couple of years ago they seemed to be an unusually open and honest organization - admitting where pre production engines did not meet power expectations and discussing how they intended to overcome this and other development hiccups.

Some of their engine development decisions seem a bit strange when viewed from the outside - no bed mounting to make the engine an otherwise perfect replacement for the Rotax 582's; diverting effort to the development of the six cylinder engine before getting the 4 cylinder into full production. - I'm guessing there will be some teething problems so getting these sorted ASAP so they could be incorporated into the 6 cylinder design from day 1 would make sense to me.

No doubt there are good business reasons for the path they have chosen - (development grants, market opportunities or whatever).

I watch with interest.


Bob P

>Dear Fellow Hopefuls,
>I see contradictory figures and speculation but no
>test reports by a competent authority e.g. a good UL
>magazine or LSA association.
>Should we not request the manufacturers to obtain some
>independent reports, addressing all the questions
>raised about hp-revs-torque-powerband-efficiency etc ?

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  • Re: Test Reports -- Neville Cameron (happy), 19:05:30 06/05/13 Wed
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