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Date Posted: 15:48:09 06/29/13 Sat
Author: Nick
Subject: Re: Test Reports
In reply to: tony french 's message, "Test Reports" on 05:19:50 05/15/13 Wed

I guess there will be test reports once the first batch of 25 engines have been delivered and are running with a reasonable number of hours accumulated.
A couple of months ago I visited the factory which is superbly equipped with the latest CNC machines, flow bench and dyno etc. I estimate they have invested several million euro in the project and are progressing in a planned and controlled way with no wild claims or marketing hype.

I have flown several hours behind various versions of the engine including the now frozen production standard and was suitably impressed - I am just finshing replacing a Jab 2200 with D-Motor engine #19 and hope to be flying in the next 2 or 3 weeks.

Ref the comments about ignition and EFI. Compared to the Jab style fixed "mags" variable ignition timing will give optimum power and easier starting. EFI does not suffer from icing and so will be able to handle the ethanol fuels without any problem. Again it will also give optimum power and economy.

It is a very clever bit of thinking outside the box which has produced a small, light and powerful engine. Mine gave 92 hp on the dyno before delivery, can't wait to try it in the air!


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