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Meanwhile, back to vintage copcars | Grainy | 15:16:18 12/16/02 Mon |
- Hope those AMX geeks won't be offended but those cars were THE ugliest ever built. And the one on E Bay is BEYOND ugly. Sorry, Ed. -- Mr. Sedan LoverMan, 15:37:20 12/16/02 Mon
- Grainy you should add that one to your collection !!! (NT) -- ford jockey but prefer Mopar, 18:19:02 12/16/02 Mon
- You know, I was thinking..... -- Grainy, 20:08:58 12/16/02 Mon
- and barring an actual, physical inspection of the vehicle, I can say that the VIN is authentic, now whether the car is, and all original, motor, tranny, gears, etc., that's another story. This car would warrant an inspection trip as a condition of purchase, caveat emptor! And just WHO are you calling FATSO! FATSO! I'm 5' 11 1/2 " tall and weigh 197 lbs, .....and you? (NT) -- In checking the VIN, and presuming some less than scrupulous idiot didn't just "transfer" the door plate, VIN tag, and some other telltale markings,, 13:01:15 12/17/02 Tue
- that's buying the parts "right", getting good work done at fair prices, body, frame, metal, trim, mechanicals, & paint, doing some of the work yourself. That's the low end of what a restoration of one would/should be appraised & sell for, $10-12K. In today's dollars it would be a bargain. 5 years from now, with only a handfull restored & the vintage, classic police car collection hobby becoming even more proliferated with individual collectors & a lack of cars available, I could see a restored car of this type selling for $15-20K. -- A complete fundemental restoration of this car could be done for around $10K....., 13:23:11 12/17/02 Tue
- Ok folks, it looks like we're being introduced to another one of Bill Parks' personalities: Mr. Restored Javelin Expert -- Parks Patrol, 14:48:49 12/17/02 Tue
- I don't know who thios guy is flashing the badge, but it's not me, ( . ) Furthermore, I'm more of a restoration expert on ALL cars, not just police cars, and can tell you what is needed to do a completer restoration. As far as getting my hands dirty, I do, ...alot! I've restored all of the trim and chrome work on all of my cars, re-built the tranny in one car, pulled and detailed the motor and changed motor mounts/remounting in two more, so suck on dirty sock, you FAT PERV! (NT) -- who the hell do you think your talking to, "Parks Patrol!"?, 18:33:29 12/17/02 Tue
- You really have gone over the edge, haven't you? -- Mike LaRue, aka SLAMMA, 21:40:40 12/17/02 Tue
- "payback will be a female dog"... Sorry Slamma but he already used that during the Dumb and Dumber pissing match with Canuck Chris. And his telltale little (.) syumbol... the one that Warmonger uses to describe him... he actually now uses that. Warmonger would be proud. (NT) -- Nothing like the typical CMF, unable to come up with his own material., 22:58:43 12/17/02 Tue
- Moderators: Where Art Thou? (NT) -- 3RH wannabe, 07:55:11 12/18/02 Wed
- my 1971 car has NEVER been repaired or worked on by SERAS , or PepBoys, or K Mart, oranyother simpleton, like yourself, DA, aka FAtso, aka Slamma, aka Brandon J, what other aliases are you using today? You speaks o adeptly about multiple personalities because you're obviously qualified to do so! (NT) -- you've obviuosly got me confused with someone else., 12:15:15 12/18/02 Wed
- So THAT'S what 197 pounds looks like. In that case, I''m 110. (NT) -- Richard Simmons, 22:52:03 12/17/02 Tue
- Oh man that Javelin is one cool car, wonder if anybody has noticed that it has no motor or trans installed, would be a great car with a Chevy 454 installed!!!!. (NT) -- Lobotomy Iscool, 09:37:19 12/18/02 Wed
- Back in the 70s -- bruce bailey, 01:12:05 12/17/02 Tue
- ........but they were quick. Even mechanics at the dealership weren't given the exact interna; specs on these police 401 4V motors. They had specially designed "L" shaped heads and specially designed pistons, cranks,, cams, etc, completely different from the stock 401's! And they showed it. The only things that held those cars under 130 MPH are the gears! (NT) -- They may have been ugly, ....., 12:54:32 12/17/02 Tue
71-74 Dodge Chargers??? | paulz | 17:42:05 02/11/03 Tue |
This forum closed - READ | Dave Arnold | 21:38:55 02/04/03 Tue |
Michigan State police | NGreen | 21:16:12 02/01/03 Sat |
Siren Question | CFlath | 22:32:48 01/23/03 Thu |
- sirens -- sr. deputy (retired), 22:43:43 01/23/03 Thu
- siren for 70-71 era -- glenn hilpert, 11:13:51 01/24/03 Fri
- Thanks for the info. I asked guys here that used these things and they just say "I dunno, they were loud." Good thing the sirens are no longer on the roofs. (NT) -- CFlath, 17:26:30 01/24/03 Fri
- Sirens -- Tom W., 02:59:30 01/25/03 Sat
- Contact me, I have some unitrol's (NT) -- Kurt, 14:19:36 01/25/03 Sat
- Once again, many thanks to all that have responded. All the information is very valuable. (NT) -- CFlath, 01:09:29 01/26/03 Sun
- Siren on E-Bay -- Tom W., 23:02:42 02/03/03 Mon
copcar of the month.... you ought to like this one. It's ready for prime time. (NT) | DA | 20:25:05 02/01/03 Sat |
KISS MY A55 | Chris Miller | 18:03:03 01/28/03 Tue |
I love you Dave.. Your phone number is on alot of GAy personal ad's (NT) | Chris Miller | 15:10:33 01/27/03 Mon |
- Dave I am speechless -- Lets rally some support for Dave here., 08:30:01 01/28/03 Tue
- Don't we have some Canadian cop friends in the Strathroy, Ontario area? How about a little backup? (NT) -- Grainy, 09:26:15 01/28/03 Tue
- Hey Chris, I can't help but make the observation that you seem to know a LOT about GAY Porn and where to find it. Is there something you are trying to tell us, Fruitloop?? (NT) -- Chris Miller.....He's Here, He's Queer, Get used to it!, 17:10:44 01/28/03 Tue
- Crybaby Chris... can't take the heat. Maybe you should go out of your bedroom and tell your mom that dave is picking on you. -- We all feel for you.... NOT, 18:50:23 01/29/03 Wed
- One word......SNIPER (NT) -- Fury us, 19:49:58 01/29/03 Wed
I LOVE YOU | Chris Miller | 15:07:10 01/27/03 Mon |
HA HA DAVE | Chris Miller | 15:13:20 01/27/03 Mon |
I love the board Dave | Chris Miller | 10:30:26 01/27/03 Mon |
Maaco | Dave C. | 22:15:48 12/30/02 Mon |
Any M Body guys had to replace the rear quarters, rockers or floorpan ?? (NT) | M Opar | 14:18:49 12/31/02 Tue |
seat cloth | David B Mcclure | 20:54:35 12/31/02 Tue |
HAPPY, HEALTHY, PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR TO ALL (NT) | Furious440 | 20:01:56 12/31/02 Tue |
Grainy's breaking news photos!!!!! | ford jockey but prefer Mopar | 15:31:31 12/30/02 Mon |
What is a 1980 St Regis police package "Touring Edition"?? Some sort of exteriors cornering lights and velour interior? Hopefully no Opera lights. I never heard of this. Anybody seen one? (NT) | Grainy | 17:51:55 12/21/02 Sat |
Nashville, Ga. Vs. Ads More to scrape off on future restores! | John Henry | 22:42:18 12/29/02 Sun |
More Crown Vic &Ford news | ford jockey but prefer mopar | 05:22:58 12/27/02 Fri |
Federal-Signal "DICTATOR" | Glenn H. | 22:58:31 12/27/02 Fri |
Wanted- Police Polara's, or Monaco's. | Glenn R. Hilpert | 15:35:57 12/26/02 Thu |
- 1970 Polara Clone on eBay -- CFlath, 10:23:47 12/27/02 Fri
- There's 1 repainted gold in a junkyard, I think in Montana, if I recall it was titled to SCSO but had a 383 in it, someone else may have more info (NT) -- Chevy, Ford, Dodge & Plymouth owner, 14:56:48 12/27/02 Fri
- '77 Monaco in Hemmings, ex Florida car, 440, drivetrain good, needs "MINOR" bodywork & interior, $2800, in CT (of all places), 860 871 2688 if anyone interested (NT) -- Chevy, Ford, Dodge & Plymouth owner, 15:10:51 12/27/02 Fri
- E Bay - '78 Dodge Monaco, 440, etc., 88,000 miles, never in police service, bought from dealer new, sounds too good to be true, but who knows, no photo yet, needs paint, item # 1875883356 if interested (NT) -- M Opar, 16:18:18 12/28/02 Sat
1976 Fury Police Car on Ebay | Rip Roaring | 17:49:24 12/26/02 Thu |
Updates at | Ken Koller | 14:04:55 12/27/02 Fri |
Different Board maybe?? | Blake | 11:30:08 12/26/02 Thu |
1977 Dodge Monaco | Tom W. | 04:02:35 12/26/02 Thu |
Kinda quiet around here,, | The Marshal. | 19:19:42 12/24/02 Tue |
Seasons Greetings | Micah | 22:01:20 12/23/02 Mon |
A Christmas Story...BP's Dog For Sale | K-9 Cop | 19:12:35 12/23/02 Mon |
A request for help from copcar dot com | Dave Arnold | 18:54:03 12/20/02 Fri |
Update | Dave Arnold | 21:44:38 12/22/02 Sun |
Anyone out there know what type of radio equipment and mechanical sirens were used by the FBI in their vehicles in the early 60's? Any ex-G-Men out there? | Chris H | 20:30:34 12/22/02 Sun |
Thanks to Chris Miller, all the discussion boards at copcar dot com are now in moderated mode. | Dave Arnold | 13:39:08 12/22/02 Sun |
- I'll do better thatn that, I know where he lives, where he works, what he drives, I'm going up & kick his butt (NT) -- Pill Barks, 14:14:07 12/22/02 Sun
- Just what the world needs,,, -- The Marshal., 14:26:34 12/22/02 Sun
- Moderated Board -- Chris Hahn, 15:11:30 12/22/02 Sun
- I think that it is time I pay him a little visit that even Doc Norton can't prevent! -- Hacking cough! I feel a virus coming on!, 18:10:04 12/22/02 Sun
Saturday, 7pm central time---Copcars on tv right now | Greg | 19:03:25 12/21/02 Sat |
| Attn: Chris Miller of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. You want to play Internet terrorist? Two can play that game. | | 01:06:08 12/22/02 Sun |
I'm a little offended readin this article! in Car Craft magazine | Chris | 22:36:43 12/20/02 Fri |
Dallas, TX. vs Ford re: C/V | John Henry | 21:43:36 12/21/02 Sat |
I have hired a new moderator. Mad Macks is officially discharged from his duties. |  | 17:54:11 12/20/02 Fri |
Car show season | Hazardman | 19:15:03 12/21/02 Sat |
More on C.V. fire problem (Dallas) | John Henry | 11:58:12 12/21/02 Sat |
It's Voting time | Vote Early and Vote Often | 23:25:31 12/18/02 Wed |
- Yes (NT) -- Yes man, 23:37:41 12/18/02 Wed
- No. Undecided. Yes -- John Q. Voter, 23:48:26 12/18/02 Wed
- Yes, yes, yes, and yes (NT) -- bruce bailey, 00:19:28 12/19/02 Thu
- Absolutely, Positively, No Doubt Here, Yessssssssss, Especially after the "I'll be glad to help you Gator post" (NT) -- Chevy, Ford, Dodge & Plymouth Owner, 11:55:00 12/19/02 Thu
- I'm just getting ready for a little Florida vacation after Christmas, I say let the board work it's self out, I need a break. (NT) -- Moderator 22, 12:40:54 12/19/02 Thu
- How about making everyone a moderator, except the Canadian & BP ??? (NT) -- Grainy, 15:46:30 12/19/02 Thu
- I vote no to moderation. -- Major Monaco, 23:43:25 12/19/02 Thu
- Let's keep moderation off a little while longer. -- Lt Frank Drebin, Police Squad, 20:23:46 12/20/02 Fri
Hey Chris and Bill NOBODY CARES | will the two of you f#@&ing morons please take it offline already | 11:19:41 12/20/02 Fri |