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Subject: "payback will be a female dog"... Sorry Slamma but he already used that during the Dumb and Dumber pissing match with Canuck Chris. And his telltale little (.) syumbol... the one that Warmonger uses to describe him... he actually now uses that. Warmonger would be proud.

Nothing like the typical CMF, unable to come up with his own material.
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Date Posted: 22:58:43 12/17/02 Tue
In reply to: Mike LaRue, aka SLAMMA 's message, "You really have gone over the edge, haven't you?" on 21:40:40 12/17/02 Tue

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Moderators: Where Art Thou? (NT)3RH wannabe07:55:11 12/18/02 Wed

    The big guy fired all the moderators (budget cut you know - lousy Republican Economy) and put the discussion board on autopilot, last I heard The Moderators got a new gig and contract with MoTown Records. (NT)U Gits Wat U PayS 409:42:35 12/18/02 Wed

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