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Subject: Let me remind you to be very, very careful about what you want to go on record about NEVER taking a vehicle of yours to Sears for work, or did you spell it wrong (Seras) on purpose to cover your lie?

Mr. Matter of Public Record
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Date Posted: 18:55:27 12/18/02 Wed
In reply to: you've obviuosly got me confused with someone else. 's message, "my 1971 car has NEVER been repaired or worked on by SERAS , or PepBoys, or K Mart, oranyother simpleton, like yourself, DA, aka FAtso, aka Slamma, aka Brandon J, what other aliases are you using today? You speaks o adeptly about multiple personalities because you're obviously qualified to do so!" on 12:15:15 12/18/02 Wed

The information is available on-line and can easily be posted right here to prove to everyone not only the fact that you did go to Sears for car repairs, but what also happened in the aftermath of it nearly one month later and 1000 miles away at a second Sears Automotive Center.


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is anyone going to give me an oath? Who the hell do you think you're talking too, ( . ) You'd better get your facts straight before posting on here! (NT)WHO'S ON THE RECORD HERE? YOU, Fatso?19:28:50 12/18/02 Wed

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