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Subject: I kinda like the little break I've been having

One of the moderators
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Date Posted: 00:29:13 12/19/02 Thu
In reply to: Moderate Mark 's message, "Do everything in moderation!!...." on 00:05:50 12/19/02 Thu

Especially if you consider the amount of work we moderators do compared to what Mr Arnold is paying us. Don't forget the stupid monthly meetings (as he calls them) that he makes us go to in God-awful Hayes, Kansas. Does anyone know how far of a drive that is? Let me tell you; it's a trek. And for what? An economy-priced room with two double beds and no HBO? And another thing. I don't like how he insists on staying in the room with us either and picking which moderator is his "favorite" each month and sitting on their bed and watching pay-per-view while we're trying to sleep. Come sunrise, he's always snoring away under the covers with the "favorite". Bleeeeech. I feel dirty just typing that.

And don't even get me started about that cockroach infested restaurant next to the Holiday Inn called The Trough-n-Brew where he insists we eat each time. There are so many bugs in that place that even the rats have gone somewhere else.

Yes sir. I'm living large right now relaxing at home and enjoying my moderationless surfing of the board. At least I get to enjoy some quality time at the computer for a while until our next stupid get together in a little less than two weeks. The only thing that could make it worse would be for it to be my turn to be his "favorite". I need a shower.

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A man must know his limitations - so get moderating, I'm getting tired of scrolling. Send BP back to his personal site. Please (NT)+^OO^+09:01:57 12/19/02 Thu

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