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Subject: Siren Question

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Date Posted: 22:32:48 01/23/03 Thu

After striking out with John Dorgan (at least on a siren/PA, but I got the correct speaker), I'm searching for a period correct siren for 1970-1. I think we were using some version that also had a light controller labelled "Unitrol". I don't know anything more that that.

I may have a lead on a Federal Signal PA Director, but I'm not sure it would be correct for the time frame I'm aiming for.

Any wisdom you'd like to grace me with?



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sirenssr. deputy (retired)22:43:43 01/23/03 Thu

siren for 70-71 eraglenn hilpert11:13:51 01/24/03 Fri

Thanks for the info. I asked guys here that used these things and they just say "I dunno, they were loud." Good thing the sirens are no longer on the roofs. (NT)CFlath17:26:30 01/24/03 Fri

Contact me, I have some unitrol's (NT)Kurt14:19:36 01/25/03 Sat

Once again, many thanks to all that have responded. All the information is very valuable. (NT)CFlath01:09:29 01/26/03 Sun

Siren on E-BayTom W.23:02:42 02/03/03 Mon

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