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This is a reading by Scott, and it is just the beginning! Believe it or not, this was his first attempt at reading the story and making a recording of it. It's absolutely amazing, and I hope you guys enjoy it!
The original version is mostly just speech, which is just as mind blowing, but I provided this 30-35 minute excerpt of his reading on YouTube for anyone who might not get the link. I added a dark soundtrack in the background, but links will soon be provided for the original if you prefer! Cool?
So enjoy! Let us know what you think! Give Scott the feedback he deserves, because he put some significant effort into making this awesome! Let him know how you feel! K?
Take care!
"GFD" Audio -
And be SURE to look for "Gone From Daylight" and other ebooks in the COMICALITY EBOOK SECTION!
More to come!
Tomorrow night? "Shelter"! :)
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