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I know that I definitely talk to a lot of people and sometimes have email marathons and stuff where my brain gets a little fuzzy on details. It happens. Hehehe, I write a LOT!
However, ummm...I'm not sure if you're reading this on the board (and I'll put this over at GayAuthors as well)...but if this is what I think it is, I have to say that I do not remember having this conversation.
That's not an accusation. I could be wrong, or maybe I just forgot that we talked about it at some point. So if you see this, please drop me an email at for some details. I'm not upset, I just want to know what happened here. It's for a good cause and all, so talk to me. I can even help promote it. I'd love to be a part of doing something good. But...yeah, drop me an email. K?