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Alright, so I said that I wanted to hang in there with "The Strain" on FX and see where it goes from there. *SO* glad that I did!!! YES!!! So the last few episodes have been extremely cool! And even gorier than I expected for TV, which is always a plus for a dark minded individual like me.
So yes, the first two episodes were all sort of building up to something at a steady pace. But now that the shit has hit the fan, the chaos is spreading REALLY fast! No more secrets and politics and medical mumbo jumbo. Now you've got vampires just walking into places and sucking the life out whoever happens to be within tongue lashing reach! (Did I mention the tongue thing is really creepy? Yes, VERY creepy!)
I am officially hooked on "The Strain" now! If you haven't seen it, give it a look! Be patient with it, as I'm sure it's only going to get more unbelievably awesome from here!
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