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...And I REALLY liked it! It was very different from the usual vampire flick (Especially nowadays when most of them seem to be trying to out-'hipster' one another), but despite it ending a little weird, I was definitely into it the whole way through.
Plus, Sigfried and The Count are so darn cute, and so damned DEADLY! Hehehe, creepy. I don't care how blond he is, if Sigfried approached me on a lonely road in the woods...I wouldn't follow him anywhere. Just saying.
Anyway, very cool movie. Great if you want something a little different. It's subtitled, so be ready for that. Check it out.
Ps- This is described as being a bit of a black comedy. Ummm...there are maybe one or two parts of the story that might fall into that category,, it's pretty much blood drinking and disemboweling and sharp fangs and...stabbing children. So...yeah. Maybe I missed the joke there. :P
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