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It has been a long while since I've been 'untangled' enough to have a big public chat! So it's time I fixed that! I really do miss talking to you guys when I don't get the chance. You're my friends. We need some quality time. :P
Anyway, I'll be going to the chatroom tomorrow (Thursday, Feb 26th), and I'll be there from 11 AM until about 5 PM Chicago time! Check the clock below to figure out what time that is for you!
Hopefully, I'll be able to talk to you guys, both foreign and domestic, in that amount of time. I'll also try to plan for something later in the evening this Saturday night! (Probably from 7 PM til 11 PM) So if you miss me the first time, maybe you'll catch me the second time. You never know! Hell, even I don't know.
So stop on by! Have some laughs with us! Everybody is welcome! Talk, giggle, lurk, Q&A, whatever! It'll be good to see ya!
The Chatterbox address is at! So try it out when you get a chance! And if you have any problems or questions, ask below, and I'm sure we can get you in there somehow!
Hehehe....I said 'get you in there somehow'... :P
Talk to ya soon!