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Date Posted: 08/ 7/15 10:26:32pm Fri
Author: gate
Subject: Re: WSOC o.o.c. schedule:, UCONN, BC, P.C., St. John, Sou. Car, SYR & ALB
In reply to: Truth Ferret 's message, "Re: WSOC o.o.c. schedule:, UCONN, BC, P.C., St. John, Sou. Car, SYR & ALB" on 08/ 6/15 5:12:54pm Thu

We may have been robbed last season, but we could barely keep pace with our *NEW* Patriot League member BU, which dominated us. As good as we are every season, the NCAA tournament is always a wake up call for the obscure PL. Cherish that 2-0 win over #13 Arizona in 2004!

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[> [> [> [> @UCONN and BC Aug. 21 and 23 -- Raider Archivist, 08/18/15 12:56:55pm Tue

By the end of this weekend, we'll have an idea of how this year's WSOC team plays against good competition. UCON WSOC already has 2 exhibition victories under its belt. The Huskies women’s soccer team, the reigning ACC champ was voted as the favorite in the 2015 American Athletic Conference preseason coaches’ poll.

BC, which will play its opener Friday night against Gate WSOC PL nemesis BU. BC has been ranked 8th in the Preseason Poll among the 14 member ACC WSOC teams.

>We may have been robbed last season, but we could
>barely keep pace with our *NEW* Patriot League member
>BU, which dominated us. As good as we are every
>season, the NCAA tournament is always a wake up call
>for the obscure PL. Cherish that 2-0 win over #13
>Arizona in 2004!

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[> [> [> [> [> Correction: UCONN is the favorite in the AAC -- Raider Archivist, 08/18/15 12:59:23pm Tue

>By the end of this weekend, we'll have an idea of how
>this year's WSOC team plays against good competition.
>UCON WSOC already has 2 exhibition victories under its
>belt. The Huskies women’s soccer team, the reigning
>ACC champ was voted as the favorite in the 2015
>American Athletic Conference preseason coaches’ poll.
>BC, which will play its opener Friday night against
>Gate WSOC PL nemesis BU. BC has been ranked 8th in the
>Preseason Poll among the 14 member ACC WSOC teams.
>>We may have been robbed last season, but we could
>>barely keep pace with our *NEW* Patriot League member
>>BU, which dominated us. As good as we are every
>>season, the NCAA tournament is always a wake up call
>>for the obscure PL. Cherish that 2-0 win over #13
>>Arizona in 2004!

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