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Date Posted: 08/15/15 4:16:07pm Sat
Author: Raider Archivist
Subject: Future, Congrats on the integrity of being forthright!
In reply to: The Future 's message, "Re: Steve, you're trying too hard to be hard to be "politically" indirect" on 08/15/15 3:55:23pm Sat

I have nothing but admiration for the Selection Committee, the BOT and the University Community for making what looks like a great selection. There will no doubt, be some in our Colgate community who will have a problem with a President who is gay. As beneficiaries of a great Colgate education, I hope that all of us can openly discuss all of the attributes of our next leader. The fear of some posters to be direct can be forgiven. I'm prouder today of what Colgate stands for than I've ever been.

go gate!

>Apparently, Brian is gay.
>Sadly, he is also from New Jersey.
>He also seems to be a pretty great get for Colgate.
>Any time you can land the scholar-athlete of the year
>from Notre Dame-- who has degrees from Stanford and
>Harvard (both with honors) you're off to a good start.
>From the sports side, he still works out with the swim
>team at DePauw--so he seems like the perfect president
>to understand the sacrifices and commitment it takes
>to be an athlete.
>Comments on articles mention that he is well-like by
>students and a good fundraiser.
>Hopefully, he appreciates Colgate's unique place in
>Div 1 sports and gets Notre Dame to stop ducking us.
>Go 'gate!

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Re: Steve, you're trying too hard to be hard to be "politically" indirect -- and one, 08/15/15 7:46:06pm Sat

>Apparently, Brian is gay.
>Sadly, he is also from New Jersey.
>He also seems to be a pretty great get for Colgate.
>Any time you can land the scholar-athlete of the year
>from Notre Dame-- who has degrees from Stanford and
>Harvard (both with honors) you're off to a good start.
>From the sports side, he still works out with the swim
>team at DePauw--so he seems like the perfect president
>to understand the sacrifices and commitment it takes
>to be an athlete.
>Comments on articles mention that he is well-like by
>students and a good fundraiser.
>Hopefully, he appreciates Colgate's unique place in
>Div 1 sports and gets Notre Dame to stop ducking us.
>Go 'gate!

"Notre Dame to stop ducking us." I truly hope this comment was made in a joking manner. Let's try to compete at the Patriot League level first. There are some high level D2 & D3 teams that could compete with us in certain sports, which should raise eyebrows.

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