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Date Posted: 08/16/15 9:32:40am Sun
Author: get em'gate
Subject: Re: Football Camp Photos
In reply to: Steve 's message, "Re: Football Camp Photos" on 08/16/15 1:11:46am Sun

>I checked with Ann-Marie and she reassures that all is
>on schedule. The lull in construction is simply to
>allow for checks on the existing steelwork structure
>before moving on to the next phases.
>BTW, the webcam on gocolgateraiders.com may be
>repositioned away from the place its been pointing for
>the past few days. It was moved last week to point
>towards the steelwork at the south end after several
>weeks showing the north where there was no steelwork
>going up. The issue now is that what's showing looks
>static and too close up to get interesting
>perspectives. And so it would be preferable to go back
>to the north end and show how the steelwork is erected
>with a broader vista including a bit of the south end.
>That would add to our enjoyment and experience for a
>few weeks until we attend the UNH game ourselves.
>Also, I understand that additional webcams will be set
>at other angles and to see the interior work too, in
>Go 'gate!

Any word on how the football camp is going? Would also be interested how the frosh look. Two strong recruits listed at QB, four good receivers and apparently some DBs. Would be very interested how LB Nix looks

Current roster lists Holland, Russell and a lighter(quicker?) Wilkens at 230 all at TB.Gate needs Holland on the field as much as possible while Russell and Wilkins offer a lot. How often will Gate be playing two of the three at the same time?

Updated roster lists some players at lighter weights than recently listed. Are theses tsats current or does that information usually trail behind a bit?

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[> [> [> [> Re: Football Camp Photos -- gate, 08/16/15 10:57:29am Sun

I want some highly-recruited frosh to get start time and make an immediate impact like Edwards at Fordham. Branch, McCord, Scott, Eachus...where is our next breakthough RB that puts the rest of the PL to shame and Colgate back on the running game map?! This has been our bread and butter, our calling card, our claim to fame, for as long as I can remember. I hope it is still a priority for Hunt.

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