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Re: Will Sage Atwood become the 2nd string qb during the season ? -- get em ' gate, 08/17/15 1:59:26pm Mon
>>>>I checked with Ann-Marie and she reassures that all
>>>>on schedule. The lull in construction is simply to
>>>>allow for checks on the existing steelwork structure
>>>>before moving on to the next phases.
>>>>BTW, the webcam on may be
>>>>repositioned away from the place its been pointing
>>>>the past few days. It was moved last week to point
>>>>towards the steelwork at the south end after several
>>>>weeks showing the north where there was no steelwork
>>>>going up. The issue now is that what's showing looks
>>>>static and too close up to get interesting
>>>>perspectives. And so it would be preferable to go
>>>>to the north end and show how the steelwork is
>>>>with a broader vista including a bit of the south
>>>>That would add to our enjoyment and experience for a
>>>>few weeks until we attend the UNH game ourselves.
>>>>Also, I understand that additional webcams will be
>>>>at other angles and to see the interior work too, in
>>>>Go 'gate!
>>>Fresh look good. Two decent qb's, Nix will be fine.
>>>will use a two back set from time to time. My look at
>>>roster saw more kids put weight on than lost it.
>No idea.
Time will tell, but any thoughts re possible new faces on the two deep?
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