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Date Posted: 08/19/15 9:21:46am Wed
Author: the last indian
Subject: Re: Football Camp Photos
In reply to: Gate Raider 's message, "Re: Football Camp Photos" on 08/18/15 9:36:39pm Tue

I actually like rotating TB's. Keep them fresh. I don't know what you mean that it didn't work last year. Russell has been a workhorse for a few years. He is a durable and smart running back. He reads the holes well. I do agree that Holland looks to have more break away speed and Wilkens can wear defensed down in the manner that Branch, et al, did in the past.
The coach know what he is doing. Perhaps as the season progresses, this will evolve.

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[> [> [> And that's why it's important to bring Atwood along to take some of the QB beating -- Andy Kerr, 08/19/15 12:24:12pm Wed

Brett Mooney as a back up is more of a drop back passer. Not much of a runner.
Developing Sage Atwood as a back up dual threat quarterback may distribute the pounding that a QB receives in a read-option attack.
Regardless of what Hunt says about less running by Melville, it's his instinct, and it brings a lot of wear and tear.

>I actually like rotating TB's. Keep them fresh. I
>don't know what you mean that it didn't work last
>year. Russell has been a workhorse for a few years.
>He is a durable and smart running back. He reads the
>holes well. I do agree that Holland looks to have
>more break away speed and Wilkens can wear defensed
>down in the manner that Branch, et al, did in the past.
>The coach know what he is doing. Perhaps as the
>season progresses, this will evolve.

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