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Date Posted: 08/22/15 12:53:54am Sat
Author: and one
Subject: Re: What are the current and future desired outcomes from our FBS and upper FCS games ?
In reply to: agatefan 's message, "Re: What are the current and future desired outcomes from our FBS and upper FCS games ?" on 08/21/15 5:33:26pm Fri

>>We were a much better team than our record showed last
>you are what your record says that you are.....

Amen, a realist!!!!

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Re: What are the current and future desired outcomes from our FBS and upper FCS games ? -- Rick Gould '71, 08/22/15 8:05:14am Sat

>>>We were a much better team than our record showed
>>you are what your record says that you are.....
>Amen, a realist!!!!

We played five losing games in a row without our starting QB. One game was a 7 point loss. Two were 3 point losses.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Re: What are the current and future desired outcomes from our FBS and upper FCS games ? -- agatefan, 08/22/15 8:33:04am Sat

>>>>We were a much better team than our record showed
>>>you are what your record says that you are.....
>>Amen, a realist!!!!
>We played five losing games in a row without our
>starting QB. One game was a 7 point loss. Two were 3
>point losses.

and every other team at every level will say the same thing!
NO one ever says "we were worse than our record"!
I'm a fan, would love an undefeated championship season but let's keep it real!

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Re: What are the current and future desired outcomes from our FBS and upper FCS games ? -- agatefan, 08/22/15 8:43:27am Sat

injuries are a part of the game, depth matters! especially at qb!!

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Re: What are the current and future desired outcomes from our FBS and upper FCS games ? -- RichH, 08/22/15 9:22:33am Sat

No matter the reason,the only measure that matters is the team's record. We all bemoan various circumstances that fans rely on to explain the record.My team had the worst D in FCS.We went 3-8. We lost 3 OLmen,starting RB,starting WR in one game.Numerous other season ending injuries on D and O. Doesn't change our record. We were a bad team on the field. Using injury as a crutch :),assumes that they wont occur again this year. Might ,might not.

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