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Date Posted: 08/22/15 4:40:27pm Sat
Author: Gate'83
Subject: Re: What are the current and future desired outcomes from our FBS and upper FCS games ?
In reply to: 'gate80 's message, "Re: What are the current and future desired outcomes from our FBS and upper FCS games ?" on 08/22/15 9:51:03am Sat

>Of course looking at objective stats even optimistic
>gate fans would say we'd go 1-2 to start the season.
>But it speaks volumes about the change over the years
>in Colgate athletics and its followers that the mere
>mention of the possibility of an upset brings
>immediate contempt, on a freaking FAN board!
>The last time we played Navy was in 1998. We were only
>a couple of years out from a 16-game losing streak at
>the height of the gutting, while Navy was coming off a
>winning season. We lost 42-35 in a game that went down
>to the final play. Colgate was up 2 TDs in the 4th,
>and didn't trail until the final minute. Any of
>several single plays turning out differently would
>have given us a win, reminding me a bit of the
>Delaware game last season. If I get motivated I might
>review the history of the Navy games I attended. We
>also took UConn down to the final minute that year.
>UConn then was every bit as good as UHN now - a top-5
>team just a couple of years from I-A

I formally retract my 1-2 prediction. I'm now convinced we're going undefeated!

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[> [> [> [> [> Re: What are the current and future desired outcomes from our FBS and upper FCS games ? -- Steve, 08/27/15 1:05:33am Thu


Undefeated sounds good. Very good.

I look forward to each pre-game, witnessing some hard-fought wins and upsets on the field, and those victory celebrations downtown. See you at the Inn after our first challenge at home- UNH!

Go 'gate!

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