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Date Posted: 08/29/15 7:40:49am Sat
Author: gate
Subject: Re: Football Previews
In reply to: The Future 's message, "Football Previews" on 08/28/15 6:32:46pm Fri

Does anyone know what happened to The Sports Network?

Another preview:

What caught my eye the most was the mention of transfers. Fordham has a QB from Marshall, a QB from Florida International, and a safety from Temple. Yale has a top receiver from NC State. In this regard, Fordham doesn't fit the PL mold IMO. How will Colgate and other PL schools compete with this on a regular basis? The Raiders rarely, if ever, have impressive transfers. I doubt there is any money to lure them to Colgate or that they could get in, anyway.

QB Sean Goldrich of UNH had an amazing season last year. We need to run the clock, keep him off the field, and hope for the best. All of our games against UNH have been abyssmal blowouts. The Wildcats are picked 3rd in the CAA but would be top dog in the PL! At Yale, QB Morgan Roberts has NFL build and talent. I have a feeling both QBs will heave the ball 60 yards on the first play and we'll be in the hole early.

These first 3 games are an exciting nightmare.

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[> [> Re: Football Previews -- bs, 08/29/15 7:47:18am Sat

>Does anyone know what happened to The Sports Network?

is now STATS.com


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[> [> Re: Football Previews -- The Lone Haranguer, 08/29/15 11:52:41am Sat

In the new era of PL football scholarships expect to see more transfers as bench players at bigger programs who previously could not afford a PL school will be looking to get playing time by transferring with a scholarship. We've had our own transfers from big programs before, too. Remember DeWayne Long and Ryan Meyer?

Just because they transfer doesn't mean they'll automatically be super stars in the PL. Both of the QBs mentioned had zero stats at their previous schools and both were freshmen last season. As for the DB at Temple, while he played in 11 games last year, he had zero INTs and only 1 broken up pass. There's a sure fire way to neutralize him. His name is Jihaad Pretlow and I suggest we rename our best receiver "Seal Team Six" and turn him loose.

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[> [> [> Re: Football Previews -- Steve, 08/29/15 4:15:04pm Sat

Whoa, FU92!

What's with the attitiude?

I can imagine that you bristle when people question what's happening with Fordham football and its transfers. That's your thing and your right to pursue. But suggesting anyone is foolish is a bit childish. You can call attention to yourself in that manner - again it's your right to do so - but not others. I mean where are your facts about Colgate admission standards, the standards relating to any/all of those basketball players, and the choices potential transfers are making regarding Colgate football?

Now if I were to cast a wider net in Fordham's direction, I could ask about Fordham's admissions standards for the general and/or student-atheles who gain admission there vs Colgate's. What are the USN&WR rankings for Fordham anyway? And for that matter, how does Fordham stack up vs Madison, Maine, James Madison etc? Maybe another time, eh FU92?

So please do respond with whatever it takes - and I have already called for substance this time - to shore up your credibility and your poor manners.

Go 'gate!

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[> [> [> [> Re: Football Previews -- 'gate80, 08/29/15 6:59:02pm Sat

Right on, Steve. I went to Fordham Prep and took classes at Fordham U. Comparing Colgate to Fordham is not comparing apples to oranges, but apples to rocks. Fordham would never have been in a "quasi-Ivy" PL as originally envisioned if not for the fact that we needed schools after William & Mary and Davidson bailed.

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[> [> Re: Fordham Transfers -- FU92, 08/29/15 2:53:38pm Sat

>What caught my eye the most was the mention of
>transfers. Fordham has a QB from Marshall, a QB from
>Florida International, and a safety from Temple. Yale
>has a top receiver from NC State. In this regard,
>Fordham doesn't fit the PL mold IMO. How will Colgate
>and other PL schools compete with this on a regular
>basis? The Raiders rarely, if ever, have impressive
>transfers. I doubt there is any money to lure them to
>Colgate or that they could get in, anyway.

Funny you should make a fool of yourself in this way. In the last few years, Colgate basketball has brought in transfers from great academic schools like Monmouth, Maine, James Madison, Ohio U, Bradley, and some unknown juco in Texas. CU admissions didn't have any trouble admitting any of these kids even though they were not academic stalwarts. And Colgate didn't have any problem finding enough money to give them all free rides. That's a MUCH higher pct of transfers than you'll ever see with Fordham football. The only thing stopping Colgate football from bringing in transfers is finding good ones who want to go there.

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[> [> [> Re: Fordham Transfers -- gate, 08/29/15 7:43:12pm Sat

Talking about FOOTBALL transfers but I'll spare you from insults that you probably wouldn't understand.

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