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Date Posted: 08/29/15 9:06:09am Sat
Author: Critic
Subject: Re: Football Previews
In reply to: The Future 's message, "Football Previews" on 08/28/15 6:32:46pm Fri

> >href="http://www.patriotleague.org/sports/m-footbl/spec

> >href="http://herosports.com/collegefootball/patriot-lea

Hmmm. After reading the previous posts, I need some mood elevators. Let's stay positive and optimistic, 'gate fans!

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[> Re: Football Previews -- gate, 08/29/15 12:21:38pm Sat

Thx 4 the link! That first sentence is a doozy. Fordham picked 3rd?! Other league polls have them 1st; national polls have them 11th! Not sure if losing 18 will hurt when they have a talented, new QB and star RB on their roster. Wonder how G'town will continue to fare as scholarships take hold. What does their future hold?

Mood elevators, please...not writing off Colgate or bashing them, just prefer to know what we're up against. The beginning slate will hopefully prepare us very well.

OOC games to watch as listed on sites are UNH @ Colgate and Bucknell @ Army. Fordham played a fantastic game vs. the Cadets last season and almost stole the show. Don't see the Bison measuring up quite as well but they did battle the Rams til the end. Yankee Stadium, Michie Stadium...wow!

BU @ Colgate 11/21 for possibly all the marbles! Let's do this and get back on top!

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[> [> Re: Football Previews -- DFW HOYA, 08/30/15 10:29:07am Sun

>Wonder how G'town will
>continue to fare as scholarships take hold. What does
>their future hold?

One of three options:

1. It will add 60 scholarships, but this has less than zero chance because there is neither the revenue base in the football nor the institutional interest in doing so. What's the sense in adding schoalrships and still finishing in the cellar when Fordham can pull in recruits that Georgetown can't even look at academically?

2. It will slog along and get beat up (on the scoreboard and on the injury list) each and every every week. Soon to follow, people that will complain that Georgetown is pulling the PL's rating down for at-large bids.

3. It will choose to (or be asked to, but more likely he former) to leave the league. It can either join the NEC where there is no AI restricting recruiting, or follow Army's lead and become an independent and play who it wants. At that point the PL will be at the minimum for an autobid and Fordham will have immense leverage to chart the league's course because the PL would not be able to survive a second departure.

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