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Re: Great contribution from Gate 63,...and you 'gate80 ? -- 'gate80, 09/ 3/15 2:00:19pm Thu
Sure. As you know I love taking about Colgate football past and present.
I am tolerant and welcoming of all things Colgate. Despite their eccentricities, I had nothing against Agnes and Buddy except for the fact that they wanted to irreparably harm our fb tradition. Archivist you speak of the "niche" you want Colgate to occupy within Div-1 athletics. I'm sure you realize that we had that niche a generation ago in a way we can never have again. I can live to be 100 and I will still wonder why Colgate's small-time, wholesome fb program, which brought nothing but honor and recognition to Colgate and joy and excitement to alums and students, was seen by our leaders as something that needed to be dismantled. I've been waiting for 10 years on this board for some explanation. And it's not just ancient history, as Lexi Panepinto's recent letter demonstrates.
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