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Date Posted: 12/ 7/15 2:33:11pm Mon
Author: KaKat10
Subject: Let me help you...
As a gesture of friendship before our teams battle it out on the gridiron I would like to make an offer to the Colgate faithful.
No self respecting team should have a fan forum from 1998 in today's world. Here's the proposal:
I will develop a Colgate Fan Forum with as many boards as you desire and customize it to match Colgate's branding. The deal includes hosting and the web domain of your choosing. I'll throw in support for one year and even train you guys on how to operate it. This package deal is very reasonable in cost to get you guys in this millennium.
If you are interested please email katfans.com@gmail.com and we can discuss.
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Thanks KaKat10; Gate 63 is the Admin here -- Low Profile, 12/ 7/15 3:01:18pm Mon
Cautionary note: I don't know how gung ho we are to look like the great unwashed sports boards that have cropped up in the 125 years since we started playing fb..Being traditional and moaning about it is part and parcel of the Gate brand in Div. 1. Just sayin. But, thanks for the offer.
BTW, check out the Colgate FB Memorabilia linked on this site. That's also Gate 63's hobby.
>As a gesture of friendship before our teams battle it
>out on the gridiron I would like to make an offer to
>the Colgate faithful.
>No self respecting team should have a fan forum from
>1998 in today's world. Here's the proposal:
>I will develop a Colgate Fan Forum with as many boards
>as you desire and customize it to match Colgate's
>branding. The deal includes hosting and the web domain
>of your choosing. I'll throw in support for one year
>and even train you guys on how to operate it. This
>package deal is very reasonable in cost to get you
>guys in this millennium.
>If you are interested please email
>katfans.com@gmail.com and we can discuss.
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Re: Let me help you... --
Gate63, 12/ 7/15 3:25:54pm Mon
>As a gesture of friendship before our teams battle it
>out on the gridiron I would like to make an offer to
>the Colgate faithful.
>No self respecting team should have a fan forum from
>1998 in today's world. Here's the proposal:
>I will develop a Colgate Fan Forum with as many boards
>as you desire and customize it to match Colgate's
>branding. The deal includes hosting and the web domain
>of your choosing. I'll throw in support for one year
>and even train you guys on how to operate it. This
>package deal is very reasonable in cost to get you
>guys in this millennium.
>If you are interested please email
>katfans.com@gmail.com and we can discuss.
Been there, done that, got the T-Shirt. Made one a few years back, but everyone eventually migrated back to Voy. Eventually the old Voy was overrun with spam and I created this one to match it (with the addition of the Captcha code to filter out spam). The anonymity seems to be a big selling point for some reason that I never understood.
But I'm still interested. I'll send you an email.
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KaKan, link to Gate memoabilia: http://www.colgatefootballcollection.com -- Let's make a deal !, 12/ 7/15 3:35:59pm Mon
Glad you and Gate 63 can connect!
Check out the Gate FB Memorabilia that is his personal passion:http://www.colgatefootballcollection.com
Maybe you can find an old Gate-Tulane program or tickets from back in the day. No, we weren't there for the birth of organized football. But our Patriot League brethren, Lehigh and Lafayette, celebrating their 150th match-up in another East Coast institution, Yankee Stadium.
Hey, and how about bringing some babeque or bubba shrimp to the tailgate. You'll be able to identify the crowd--bespectacled gentlemen in suits accompanied by their women with white gloves and parasols. Wait, that will be the Ole Miss frat crowd !
>>As a gesture of friendship before our teams battle it
>>out on the gridiron I would like to make an offer to
>>the Colgate faithful.
>>No self respecting team should have a fan forum from
>>1998 in today's world. Here's the proposal:
>>I will develop a Colgate Fan Forum with as many boards
>>as you desire and customize it to match Colgate's
>>branding. The deal includes hosting and the web domain
>>of your choosing. I'll throw in support for one year
>>and even train you guys on how to operate it. This
>>package deal is very reasonable in cost to get you
>>guys in this millennium.
>>If you are interested please email
>>katfans.com@gmail.com and we can discuss.
>Been there, done that, got the T-Shirt. Made one a few
>years back, but everyone eventually migrated back to
>Voy. Eventually the old Voy was overrun with spam and
>I created this one to match it (with the addition of
>the Captcha code to filter out spam). The anonymity
>seems to be a big selling point for some reason that I
>never understood.
>But I'm still interested. I'll send you an email.
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Link to Colgate FB historical schedules -- Let's make a deal !, 12/ 7/15 4:02:26pm Mon
The schedules start around 1/3rd of the way into the pdf.
Note especially the mis-1920's through the mid-60's when the barntorming Red Raiders were traversing the countryside to play a disproportionate number of their games. You'll note several current FBS top 5 Conference names on that list. Most notable is the long standing rivalry with Syracuse. Gate will be playing Cuse for its first game next year. We're honored to be playing with SHSU.
>Glad you and Gate 63 can connect!
>Check out the Gate FB Memorabilia that is his personal
>Maybe you can find an old Gate-Tulane program or
>tickets from back in the day. No, we weren't there for
>the birth of organized football. But our Patriot
>League brethren, Lehigh and Lafayette, celebrating
>their 150th match-up in another East Coast
>institution, Yankee Stadium.
>Hey, and how about bringing some babeque or bubba
>shrimp to the tailgate. You'll be able to identify the
>crowd--bespectacled gentlemen in suits accompanied by
>their women with white gloves and parasols. Wait, that
>will be the Ole Miss frat crowd !
>>>As a gesture of friendship before our teams battle it
>>>out on the gridiron I would like to make an offer to
>>>the Colgate faithful.
>>>No self respecting team should have a fan forum from
>>>1998 in today's world. Here's the proposal:
>>>I will develop a Colgate Fan Forum with as many
>>>as you desire and customize it to match Colgate's
>>>branding. The deal includes hosting and the web
>>>of your choosing. I'll throw in support for one year
>>>and even train you guys on how to operate it. This
>>>package deal is very reasonable in cost to get you
>>>guys in this millennium.
>>>If you are interested please email
>>>katfans.com@gmail.com and we can discuss.
>>Been there, done that, got the T-Shirt. Made one a few
>>years back, but everyone eventually migrated back to
>>Voy. Eventually the old Voy was overrun with spam and
>>I created this one to match it (with the addition of
>>the Captcha code to filter out spam). The anonymity
>>seems to be a big selling point for some reason that I
>>never understood.
>>But I'm still interested. I'll send you an email.
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Re: Let me help you... -- KaKat10, 12/ 7/15 9:38:27pm Mon
>>As a gesture of friendship before our teams battle it
>>out on the gridiron I would like to make an offer to
>>the Colgate faithful.
>>No self respecting team should have a fan forum from
>>1998 in today's world. Here's the proposal:
>>I will develop a Colgate Fan Forum with as many boards
>>as you desire and customize it to match Colgate's
>>branding. The deal includes hosting and the web domain
>>of your choosing. I'll throw in support for one year
>>and even train you guys on how to operate it. This
>>package deal is very reasonable in cost to get you
>>guys in this millennium.
>>If you are interested please email
>>katfans.com@gmail.com and we can discuss.
>Been there, done that, got the T-Shirt. Made one a few
>years back, but everyone eventually migrated back to
>Voy. Eventually the old Voy was overrun with spam and
>I created this one to match it (with the addition of
>the Captcha code to filter out spam). The anonymity
>seems to be a big selling point for some reason that I
>never understood.
>But I'm still interested. I'll send you an email.
Got it and replied. Nice historical website you've got.
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Re: Let me help you... -- puckman, 12/ 8/15 8:42:38pm Tue
>Been there, done that, got the T-Shirt. Made one a few
>years back, but everyone eventually migrated back to
>Voy. Eventually the old Voy was overrun with spam and
>I created this one to match it (with the addition of
>the Captcha code to filter out spam). The anonymity
>seems to be a big selling point for some reason that I
>never understood.
>But I'm still interested. I'll send you an email.
gate63 - don't do it. We like the board just as it is. I think I speak for all the Colgate faithful - and the regulars on this board - that we like the Voy forum as is.
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Re: Let me help you... -- Gate Raider, 12/ 7/15 3:56:57pm Mon
KaKat10, You probably know this already but on the public college side NY has lots of schools just like SHSU. Like SHSU they serve a valuable need in our country. Thanks for that. As for Colgate you know it is small, really small (2900 students) and located in a really small community. Add to that it is pretty selective on admitting students and they come from all over the country. Even so about 20-25% of the student body is on a Div. I athletic team. Hockey is big up here and we are usually pretty good - basketball, well, we are improving. Adonal Foyle did play for us. All that makes getting large crowds at athletic events difficult. Could be more students in the library or in travel to participate in their own sport than at a game. None of that deters Colgate. There is still a large number of fans from all over the place that follow Colgate sports. We don't assume an underdog role to any larger school. We have the confidence to compete at the top levels. Colgate has sent players to the NFL, you can look it up. Ignore the elitist crap you read for that is what it is. We are confident, capable and will be ready to kick whatever butt we can. You guys should come up here to play sometime and get out of the sweltering humidity.
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KaKat10 -- Gate Raider, 12/ 7/15 3:59:37pm Mon
You guys don't actually wear cowboy hats, right?
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Re: Thank you, KaKat10, for a very nice gesture. -- Go...'gate, 12/ 7/15 8:46:30pm Mon
>You guys don't actually wear cowboy hats, right?
Kakat10 is a class act.
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Meant at the game. -- Gate Raider, 12/ 8/15 6:01:20pm Tue
I meant wear them at the FB games. Been to Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, Corpus Christi, Lubbock and others but it always seemed I saw the most cowboy hats in Dallas being worn by business men. What kind of temperature and humidity can be expected for the game?
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Weather --
Gate63, 12/ 8/15 8:17:04pm Tue
>I meant wear them at the FB games. Been to Dallas,
>Houston, San Antonio, Corpus Christi, Lubbock and
>others but it always seemed I saw the most cowboy hats
>in Dallas being worn by business men. What kind of
>temperature and humidity can be expected for the game?
Weather report does not look good right now. Rain and possible Tstorms.
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Re: KaKat10 -- Kakat10, 12/ 8/15 12:07:50pm Tue
>You guys don't actually wear cowboy hats, right?
Everyday. Not.
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KaKat up date us. Weather for Sat. at SHSU -- Gate Raider, 12/ 8/15 8:03:02pm Tue
From the SHSU sports forum - stll early but Saturday evening looks like showers with a chance of T-storms.
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