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Re: These guys sound like the same UD trolls as in 2003... -- Go...'gate, 12/13/15 8:46:58pm Sun
>>>>>>>That 2003 Delaware team had Joe Flacco who went
>>>>>>>be a NFL QB. They also had some transfer
>>>>>>>from D1 programs. Keeler has no class.
>>>>>>This is big boy ball not pee wee. The game is 4
>>>>>>quarters long. You don't like getting smacked
>>>>>>or a gadget play pulled on you then stop it.
>>>>>>stfu and get your shine box!
>>>>Keeler is classless for running up the score, even
>>>>own players don't like him. Hunt would NEVER do
>>>>BTW...How did you like all the orange hair, not
>>>>say it.
>>>>>Must be Keeler made it onto our board!..class and
>>>>>breeding always tells! My! Rah Rah Jacksonville!
>>>Like I said, get your shine box! Your team was
>>>overrated and over matched from the get go. You had
>>>business in the playoffs and it showed yesterday but
>>>thanks for the practice time.your admin might want to
>>>think about moving your team down to Div 3 ball. You
>>>might be able to compete there.
>>Is that how you got those bellies?...why aren't you
>>picking on teams your size, like Michigan
>>State?..Winston's butt at Tampa is about your team's
>>average..class on a par with the NE Pats...half the
>>team's grads on to guard duty at the state pen.?
>That's all you got? JEEZUS no wonder your team stinks.
>Thought you tools from the "gate" were suppose to
>smart. You've single handedly busted that myth.
>Enjoy the playoffs from the house. You'll be able to
>watch real football teams on tv next week.
>And just a heads up anyone who types lol or roflmao
>like 12 year old girl is a moron. Enjoy mediocrity
On the fifteen-year plan for college, eh?
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